1 The Maryland Technology Assistance Program
2 ABOUT Voice for Freedom Project Managed through MD TAP and the Freedom Center (local MD Center for Independent Living), this program provides evaluations, augmentative communication devices and training to people trying to leave nursing facilities through Medicaid Waivers.
3 Voice for Freedom Project – What we do Our Mission: To Provide speech communication devices to residents in nursing facilities who would otherwise not receive a communication device from Medicaid until 2-weeks from transition date. Enable residents to more fully advocate for their transition to the community by providing them with a voice.
4 How we do it In 2006: Utilizing funds from a seed grant, we identified, evaluated, and initially purchased 4 communication devices for nursing facility residents who expressed a desire to leave. These residents also worked with service coordinators to utilize the Living at Home (LAH) Waiver. MDTAP applied for and received AT Provider status with a state department (DHMH) that oversees the LAH waiver, enabling us to bill DHMH for the AT device once the individual transitions to the community using the waiver and allotted AT funds.
5 Current Work From , we’ve served 11 individuals To date, 6 individuals have transitioned to the community, using their devices to better communicate their needs. MDTAP received reimbursement for these 6 devices included in the LAH Waiver Service Plans and RECYCLES these funds to pay for additional devices. 2 devices have been returned by applicants who no longer need them. These devices will be REUTILIZED for newly identified applicants.
6 Partnerships & Relationships We work in partnership with a local Center for Independent Living to manage this project. We work closely with service coordination agencies to market & identify clients, to coordinate LAH services, and complete all paperwork for waiver reimbursement. We purchase all of the AAC through the MD AT Co-op, which negotiates price discounts on AT throughout the State.
7 Past Successes Over the course of the project, we have received $65, in grants and state reimbursements. We’ve expended $48, in device evaluations, purchases, and training. Positive cash flow = more device purchases for identified clients
8 Barriers Medicaid NEEDS to be more flexible in providing AT to facility residents earlier in the transition process. If this occurred, Voice for Freedom could then address other AT transition needs. In the mean time- Voice for Freedom addresses just one component of the AT issue in nursing facilities. We’d like to identify more AT that we can reasonably manage the evaluation and purchase of AND find ways to expand AT services in the nursing facility.
9 CONTACT US Central Office Maryland Technology Assistance Program 2301 Argonne Drive, T-17 Baltimore, MD (800) (voice) (866) (TTY) (410) (fax) ( ) (web)