1. You are walking down the street when a dog comes running from the other direction. As the dog runs towards you, you have to jump over the dog, spin through the air and land back on your feet. You say, ‘Wow, that was close!’ (speech bubble and recorded voice). 2. You and your friend are walking through the forest and you run into a tree with a bird on a branch. When you run into the tree, the bird starts flying away, making a loud bird noise. Your friend appears and says, ‘Hey, watch where you are going!’ (speech bubble and recorded voice). Hint: For the second story, you will need to use Messages! Congratulations! You have finished the ScratchJr training and short projects. Now it is time for you to put your skills to work to animate a story. Choose one of these stories to animate. Make sure that you choose a character with a bank face so you can use your face!