John Smith Soldier and adventurer who founded Jamestown in 1607
Charles de Montesquieu O Political philosopher during the Enlightenment who believed in the theory separation of powers.
William Blackstone O English judge and lawyer who is famous for his views on “Common Law” and its principles.
Thomas Hooker O Famous preacher who fled England because of religious persecution. O Founder of Connecticut
Roger Williams O Founded Rhode Island for religious freedom. O Did not believe in strictness of Puritan religion. O Founded the first Baptist church in America.
Anne Hutchison O Believed a person could worship God without the help from a church, minister, or Bible. O Challenged church authority. O Fled to Rhode Island when she was banished from Massachusetts.
John Locke O English philosopher during the Enlightenment O Argued that people have natural rights: life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness These rights came from God, not the king. These “unalienable rights” were later included in the Declaration of Independence.
William Penn O Quaker who founded Pennsylvania for religious freedom.
Lord Baltimore O Founded Maryland for religious freedom. O Catholics were being persecuted in England.
James Oglethorpe O Founded Georgia as a refuge for debtors. O All religions were welcome.