Traffic Rules Clarity February 2013 Mine Operations
Right of Way Priorities Priority One - Emergency Vehicles with flashing lights Priority Two - Haul Trucks −Regardless of size or type −Haul truck to haul truck traffic always gives way to the left Priority Three - Mobile Equipment Priority Four - Light Vehicles
Operational Areas 3 Work areas such as shovel pits, waste dumps, drill patterns, etc. Areas may be permanent or temporary −Ex: Excavator working on haul road Equipment could be travelling in any direction Exclusion Zone 50m from any piece of working equipment Used to control interactions between equipment and other vehicles Positive Communication and permission from operator is required to enter the exclusion zone Examples include: −Approaching a loading unit −Passing a loader building berm
Parking 4 Park Brake MUST be applied Demarcated Parking Areas −An area with a surface intended for parking vehicles and equipment −The speed limit in all park-up areas is 15 km/h −Must be parked in a manner that is fundamentally stable Outside Demarcated Areas −Wheel chocks MUST be used −Keep a minimum of 6m between all parked equipment and vehicles to maintain visibility −Park in a safe area out of traffic
Roadways 5 At no time shall a light vehicle or haul truck overtake another light vehicle or an operating haul truck Maintain minimum 50m following distance behind haul trucks at times No haul truck, equipment, or light vehicle shall stop, block, or impede any intersection All vehicles approaching a stop sign must come to a complete stop. In absence of a stop sign apply “right of way protocol”
Intersections 6 A place where two or more roads meet Right of Way Priorities are to be followed by all, unless a stop sign exists Stop signs shall be followed by all vehicles and equipment If any equipment or vehicle loses traction or breaks down in an intersection inform Mine Dispatch immediately on radio Channel 5 and clearly demarcate the area Vehicles need to exercise caution when approaching all intersections
U-Turns 7 Equipment of any size may perform a U-Turn using these steps Conduct only where road width allows for one continuous turn to the driver’s good side NO U-turns allowed at: −Intersections −Park-up areas −Where people are on the ground Come to a controlled and a complete stop using wheels and turn signal to indicate U-turn Ensure clear visibility in both directions and complete turn Except for normal operation in an operational area, blind side U- turns require a spotter