Template v5 October 12, Copyright © Infor. All Rights Reserved. 1 Warehouse Mobility for LN - Other Transactions Swaroop Patnaik, Infor
Template v5 October 12, Copyright © Infor. All Rights Reserved. ASN Receipts This transaction is used to receive goods against an ASN. The transaction provides the user with two options: - Receive all the ASN lines at once (all the lines will be linked to a single Receipt Header); or - Receive each ASN Line individually (each ASN Line will be linked to a different Receipt Header) Lots and Serials are automatically assigned/generated - If the Receive all option is chosen the transaction will generate the lot /serial numbers; - If each line is received individually, the user can scan/input lot/serial numbers; and - If lot/serial numbers are already defined on the ASN Lines, they will be generated and assigned accordingly. Currently, Handling Units are not supported.
Template v5 October 12, Copyright © Infor. All Rights Reserved. Inventory Management Transactions Cycle Count: This transaction allows the scanner user to perform counts for an existing cycle count order. Physical Inventory: This is a variant of the Cycle Count transaction. It allows the user to manually add cycle count lines to a existing order. Inventory Write-On: This transaction allows the user to execute a positive inventory adjustment on a given stock-point. Inventory Write-Off: This transaction allows the user to execute a positive inventory adjustment on a given stock-point. All the above transactions support serialization and Handling Units (in 4.xx versions only)
Template v5 October 12, Copyright © Infor. All Rights Reserved. Returns Module Return From Production: This transaction allows the user to return excess/unused material (from the shop floor) to the warehouse. The transaction essentially executes the following steps in order : - Add a negative issue line for the given quantity against the selected production order - Initiate Inventory issue for the new issue line - Receive the returned material in the warehouse - Put away the received material in a selected location (if applicable) Return from Stage: This transaction enables the user to move unshipped material in the staging location back to a pick/bulk location. Customer Returns: This transaction allows the user to receive and/or put away unexpected returns from a customer. The transaction essentially executes the following steps in order: - Add a negative quantity sales order line to an existing sales order (if provided) or a new sales order - Release the sales order line to Warehousing - Receive the returned material in the warehouse - Put away the received material in a selected location (if applicable) All the above transactions support serialization and Handling Units (in 4.xx versions only)
Template v5 October 12, Copyright © Infor. All Rights Reserved. Label Reprints Cycle Count: This transaction allows the scanner user to perform counts for an existing cycle count order. Physical Inventory: This is a variant of the Cycle Count transaction. It allows the user to manually add cycle count lines to a existing order. Inventory Write-On: This transaction allows the user to execute a positive inventory adjustment on a given stock- point. Inventory Write-Off: This transaction allows the user to execute a positive inventory adjustment on a given stock- point.
Template v5 October 12, Copyright © Infor. All Rights Reserved.