We've made it easy for you to buy online. We’ve also added a dedicated customer care team to answer any questions or to walk you through the order process. Contact them at or Go to the new URL: or link from the shopping cart on the Questar Capital website. Initial login information Your login credentials are your last name and your CRD number. Click the right arrow to proceed. You will be directed to the store’s home page. Shopping the site You will find the category navigation on the left hand side. In addition, located just below the categories featured in the left navigation is a search functionality. Simply type in key words associated with the item(s) you are looking for and hit enter. A defined search will appear with products fitting your key word. Refine your search further by defining your desired price point. Active links to your product will appear for your convenience. Enter your LAST NAME here (must be all caps) Password is: Your CRD Number Click to proceed
Previewing items and selecting inventory Click on any item in the category selected and you will be taken to the Item detail page. You will find an image of the product, item description, inventory information and additional recommended items. For your convenience, there is a zoom link to give you a closer view of the item selected. You will also find a check stock button that will give you a view to our current inventory on hand and an expected arrival date for inventory replenishment when applicable. To add to your cart, simply add your desired quantity to the Qty: box and click the Add to Cart Button. Your item will be added to your Shopping cart, and a quick view of your shopping cart will appear near the bottom of your screen. View your full shopping cart at anytime during your shopping experience by clicking the View Cart button located at the top right of the Home Page. Checking out After you have completed your shopping experience, click the Checkout button at the top of your cart Quick View. You will proceed to check out your order. If you would like gift packaging for your items, you will be prompted at the top of the shopping cart. Click the link to be redirected to select your packaging. Want a personalized card to accompany your gift? Click the button for personalized card, you will be directed to an item detail page to collect your messaging. Complete all of the fields to appropriately ship your item(s). Your “ship-to information” will be saved for your future needs. If you should have multiple ship-to addresses, an address book is available for your convenience. This address book can also be prepopulated. After finalizing your order, you will receive an acknowledgment via detailing your transaction. In addition, you will receive a ship notification when your item is in transit with tracking information for your reference. Custom items Are you looking for something custom outside of our site offering? All items featured on the site can be available with your custom logo. Click the Custom Product link to have a dedicated Questar Team Member contact you directly.