Joint Mobilization & Deployment Support: Total Force Readiness Deployment Process Collaboration/Focus: Reintegration Meeting October 27, 2003 Walter Reed Army Medical Center CDR René Campos Associate Director OSD, Office of Family Policy
Joint Mobilization & Deployment Support: Total Force Readiness OSD Joint Family Readiness Group (JFRG) Initial Meeting: October 29, 2001 Assess family support program and functional capability Define core elements Solidify policy and program strategies About 45 OSD, Service, Defense, and civilian agency family support representatives Regularly meet to review and immediately address emerging policy and operations issues related to family support during deployments Principal Deputy Under Secretary of Defense (P&R) Mobilization/Deployment support planning for contingency program guidance Focus on special issues related to mobilization/deployment support
Joint Mobilization & Deployment Support: Total Force Readiness Improvements and Accomplishments Senior DoD leadership’s recognition of JFRG in mission and family readiness Standing-up of 400+ National Guard Bureau Family Assistance Centers (FACs) Expansion of Interservice Family Assistance Committees (ISFACs) Significant enhancement in the delivery of accurate information to families and extended families Partnership with public schools to develop programs to meet the unique needs of our military children Expansion of TRICARE coverage of mobilized Reservists Publication of Joint Welcome Home Tip Sheets Implementation of Deployment Connections Website: Expansion of the Employee Assistance Program (EAP), Military OneSource Programming of DoD resources to assist families with child care, family counseling and other urgent support to improve communications between Service members and their families
Joint Mobilization & Deployment Support: Total Force Readiness Challenges and Concerns Communication —timely and accurate information to families Post-Deployment Support —reintegration and readjustment issues Families of the Injured and Deceased— family support and casualty assistance staffs ensure available services Maximize Resources-- collaboration among the Services and partnerships with other federal, state and local family support agencies The Road Ahead Family support is a continuous effort and there is no finish line for readiness The deployment (extended deployments/redeployment) of troops will continue to affect families Move ahead to develop and sustain a cohesive Total Force personnel and family readiness posture that integrates policies and resources Continue quarterly JFRG Meetings
Joint Mobilization & Deployment Support: Total Force Readiness For More Information Contact: CDR René Campos, Associate Director Office of Family Policy Office of the Deputy Under Secretary of Defense (Military Community & Family Policy) (703) / DSN or For more information on Deployment Support Visit: