Emotional Development More extreme emotions Emotions more changeable, fleeting –Moodiness is normal Decrease in overall happiness –Risk of depression What Characterizes Emotional Development and Self-Development in Adolescence?
Self-Esteem How we feel about ourselves –Often decreases in transition from elementary to junior high school –Appears to fluctuate across lifespan –Higher for males at most ages What Characterizes Emotional Development and Self-Development in Adolescence?
Erikson and Identity 5th stage: Identity vs. identity confusion –Confusion takes 2 forms: isolation or lost identity in the crowd Identity: a self-portrait of many pieces –Physical, cognitive, social, emotional –A lengthy, complex, lifelong process What Characterizes Emotional Development and Self-Development in Adolescence?
Family Influences on Identity Family atmosphere is important –Individuality: two dimensions Self-expression Separateness –Connectedness: two dimensions Mutuality Permeability What Characterizes Emotional Development and Self-Development in Adolescence?
Autonomy and Attachment Conflict when adolescents push for autonomy Parents should relinquish control gradually, as adolescent is able to make reasonable decisions Gender and culture affect seeking and granting autonomy What Is the Nature of Parent-Adolescent Relationships?
Parent-Adolescent Conflict Escalated conflict due to –Biological changes (puberty) –Cognitive changes (idealism, logic) –Social changes (independence, identity) –Maturational changes –Violated expectations What Is the Nature of Parent-Adolescent Relationships?
Parent-Adolescent Conflict Parents serve as support system as adolescents explore wider world –Most conflict is moderate –Some prolonged, unhealthy conflict associated with adolescent problems –Conflict is less in some cultures What Is the Nature of Parent-Adolescent Relationships?
Competent Adolescent Development Parents should Show warmth and respect Show sustained interest in children’s lives Recognize and adapt to child’s cognitive and socioemotional development Communicate expectations, high standards Display constructive problem solving
Friendships Dramatic increase in psychological importance and intimacy of close friends –Most motivated by popularity with peers –Peers help shape development; increased mutual dependency for many needs –Friend’s character and quality of friendship are important influences What Aspects of Peer Relationships Are Important in Adolescence?
Peer Groups Peer pressure can be negative; most is positive Adolescents conform more to peer standards than younger children do –Resist parental influence stronger in U.S. –Self-esteem can motivate membership What Aspects of Peer Relationships Are Important in Adolescence?
Youth Violence Predicting a violent youth –Overwhelmingly male –Violence gives sense of power –Much more in poverty-infested, urban areas –Inadequate parent involvement, supervision –Past history of violence, serious problems –Poor self-control, temperamental What Are Some Socioemotional Problems in Adolescence?
Reducing Youth Violence Recommit to raising children safely and effectively Make prevention a reality Give more support to schools Forge effective partnerships among families, schools, social service systems, churches, and other agencies What Are Some Socioemotional Problems in Adolescence?
Rites of Passage Ceremony or ritual that marks one’s transition from one status to another –Gain access to adult practices, knowledge, sexuality, separation from nuclear family –Sometimes dramatic or spiritual –Affected by ethnicity and economic class –Minority youth and double disadvantage Why Is Culture an Important Context for Adolescent Development?
Depression More likely to occur in adolescence than in childhood Higher rates in girls than boys Related factors –Family –Peers –Difficult changes What Are Some Socioemotional Problems in Adolescence?
Suicide Rare in childhood; risk escalates in adolescence –Third leading cause of death in 10- to 19- year-olds in the U.S. –19% of U.S. high school students have considered or attempted –Females more at risk than males What Are Some Socioemotional Problems in Adolescence?
Successful Prevention/ Intervention Programs Know that most at-risk adolescents have multiple problems –Early sexual activity linked to use of drugs, tobacco, and alcohol –High-risk youth do-it-all What Are Some Socioemotional Problems in Adolescence?
Successful Prevention/ Intervention Programs Intensive individualized attention Community-wide, multiagency, collaborative approaches Early identification and intervention What Are Some Socioemotional Problems in Adolescence?