P AWAN ’ S NEURO LIGUINSTIC TRAINING OPC PVT LTD The Difference That Makes The Difference
MID BRAIN ACTIVATION U NLEASH Y OUR C HILD I NBORN P OTENTIAL Midbrain Activation is a technique of optimizing the function of your middle brain, which is the “BRIDGE” between the left and right brain.
AGE LIMIT F OR MID BRAIN ACTIVATION C HILDREN BETWEEN THE AGE OF 5 TO 15 YEARS Children brains are more easily trained and can adapt to new ways of learning
METHOD TO ACTIVATE MID BRAIN Left & Right Brain involvement Exercise Physical Exercise Eye Exercise Scientific Meditation Relaxation Training on Sensory Perception
To be able to ‘See’ and ‘Read’ blind-folded, it shows and proves that your child’s Midbrain function is awakened (activated). Once Midbrain is awakened, your child’s hidden potential will be unleashed one by one…
D.M.I.T (D ERMETOGLYPHICS M ULTIPLE I NTELLIGENCE T EST ) UNDERSTAND THE REAL YOU Derma Skin Glyphic Patterns DMIT analysis is a unique concept to identify inborn talents and hidden intelligence through the medium of finger prints.
D.M.I.T B ENEFITS Personalized Learning Methods for Kids. Detailed Career guidance for the Students. Guidelines on Professional Alignment. Compatibility / Relationship matching for Business & Life Partnerships
Parenting is the process of promoting and supporting the physical, emotional, social, financial, and intellectual development of a child from infancy to adulthood. Effective Parenting E XPLORE C HILD D EVELOPMENT & P ARENTING STYLES
P OOR PARENTING IS CHARACTERISED BY... A lack of rule and clear boundaries. Inconsistent discipline and empty threats. Conveying dislike for the child. Ignoring good behaviour but punishing bad. Lack of enjoyable shared experiences Harsh punishment, which can lead to aggressive conduct and low self esteem
Summarize the basic principles of parenting skills. Describe communicating with your kids. Describe the dynamics of discipline. Summarize instilling self-esteem in your child. Demonstrate teaching your child values and morals. Summarize being a good role model. Describe diverse family situations. Describe 10 things that will make a huge difference
Phone: website: magnetmind.in