…(sometimes called institutional or corporate memory) is the accumulated body of data, information, and knowledge created in the course of an individual organization’s existence. Annamaria Schrimpf August 16, 2012 WGEE Pilot Project
Levers--Similarities Teacher Leadership and Career Advancement Recruitment, Hiring and Placement Supervision and Evaluation Professional Development Organizational Culture School Structure Induction Sharing of Resources Communication Rubrics Surveys Website
Time Planning
Electronic Storage Management Secondary FILE FOLDER Secondary FILE FOLDER Secondary FILE FOLDER Documents PRIMARY FILE FOLDER
Protocol for File Naming Never use periods or any of these other symbols \ / : * ? “ | [ ] & $,. or spaces instructions 20%naming20%convention.doc Err on the side of brevity naming convention.doc vs instrnamingconvinst.doc Include a date in the name and be consistent 11_7_12 vs 2012_11_07 Various versions—use v03 old instructions naming convention.doc Consistency instructions naming convention.doc instrnamingconv.doc v05_2012_11_07
Activity Organizing Electronic Resources Focus on one of the levers Recruitment, Hiring and Placement Induction Professional Development Supervision and Evaluation Teacher Leadership and Career Advancement Organizational Structure Culture What might be the common documents for the lever? Agenda and minutes Calendars Budget Sharing of information/resources Ongoing updates of goals, objectives, etc… Final documents Protocol—READ FIRST NOTES What might a good naming scheme look like? Where would you store this protocol and process?
District Workflow
Workflow Scenario
Activity Workflow Efficiency Select one process relating to one of the levers Map out the current workflow Map out the recommended workflow Include events, department, position titles and documents, etc…
Data Management
Data Reporting/Information MCAS SIMS ELL 504 SPED EPIMS SCS School Attending Children Federal Civil Rights Free and Reduced Lunch
Data Management Scenario
Activity Data Efficiency Select one or two data systems that you currently use? Who is responsible for the data in that system? How do you ensure efficiency and accuracy in those systems?
Recruitment, Hiring and Placement Job Posting Applications Access to applications Induction New staff orientation Resources needed Mentor/new teacher sharing portal Documentation needed (checklist)
Professional Development Type of professional development Publicize PD offerings Registration Attendance Supervision and Evaluation Evaluation criteria Completed evaluations Artifacts Access
Teacher Leadership and Career Advancement Roles and responsibilities Sharing of school and district information Communication for opportunities Organizational Structure Resource sharing Common planning protocol Video best practices Curriculum alignment Data accountability Communication protocols Sharing of school and district information
Culture Common beliefs and values Common language and understanding Video best practices Curriculum alignment Data accountability Communication protocols Sharing of school and district information
Activity Select one lever/goal and think of existing resources in your district and map out the strategy What will be the management tool(s) you will use? Who is accountable to ensure updating resources in that container? How will this be communicated to the necessary personnel? NOTES: What will be placed in the notes? Protocol—READ FIRST
Resources Clip Art Guide Imran Nazar Microsoft Templates FX aspx Free Digital Photos FX aspx Cartoon Stock ton1007l.jpg ton1007l.jpg