SPA: Schedule Planning and Analysis By Gina Pierce, CAHSS Budget Analyst, Humboldt State University Presentation: ARC 3/23/15
Schedule develop Why change Introduce SPA Demo SPA Question & Answer Outline
Timeline: 12 months prior to academic year (AY) Baseline schedule established As AY year approaches, many changes to baseline Sabbaticals, DIPs, LWOPs, Retire/Resign, A.T., errors Schedule Development
Course offerings GE designation WTU/class SCU/class Assigned Time Instructor workload Class mode A lot of data to collect
PAST: Excel Spreadsheets
Cumbersome and Messy!
Introducing SPA Access Database
From CMS; accurate : SCUsWTUs GE Classification of course Reports include: Faculty workload Assigned Time Course Schedule Grid Efficiency: Changes immediately Reduced Redundancy Many levels of users Benefits & Power of Working with Complete Data
Data flows one way only CMS feeds SPA SPA does not feed CMS SPA and CMS Interaction
Vice Provost GE Data Cross listed and dual level classes College Deans or Assoc. Deans GE Data Faculty workload Proposed course list SFR Online and hybrid courses College Budget Analysts SPA-CMS differences report Changes since prior year All reports already mentioned Department Chairs and Coordinators Class schedule grid Course group schedule Faculty schedule grid Assigned time approval form Schedule conflicts Reports already mentioned Reports Used by Many People
SPA Demo
A few examples of commonly used reports follow; these are for reference purposes. Contact information: Gina Pierce, Budget Analyst College of Arts, Humanities, & Social Sciences, HSU Backup Slides & Contact Information
Example: Faculty Load List
Ex: Assigned Time Approval Form
Ex: Course Schedule Grid
Example Proposed Classes Report