Welcome Hyndland Secondary Primary 7 Parents’ Evening
Tonight’s agenda Introductory Music - Anthony Pentleton Composition Ms McNeil – Headteacher Introduction Mrs Edgerton Depute Headteacher Overview of P7 / S1 Transition Musical Interlude Olivia Clark Learners’ Experiences by members of 2A (Molly, Ella, Ivo & Alex) School Captains ( Kenan, Sara, Sophie, Alfie) Overview of school life Pupil Support The work of Pastoral Care and Support for Learning
Transition phase 3 weeks of Supported Study Programme - November 2014 Visits by Support for Learning Visits by DHT, Pastoral Care & Pupil panels Transfer of Pupil Information Transfer of Numeracy and literacy information based on prior learning Transition meetings Maths Challenge Induction Days – May 2014 Transfer of P7 Pupil profile and P7 report Tonight!
Follow through……. 1 st Year Team Introduction Assembly Senior Mentors weekly visits to tutor time Weekly PSE programme – Delivery from Pastoral Care Daily 20 minute Personal Support – Delivery from Tutor teacher Loch Eil – October 2014 Early Alert – September Extra Curricular Awareness - September S1 Review Meetings - October S1 Settling in interviews with Pastoral Care Teacher Welcome Disco - October Interim reports – December Target Setting Raise Standards Develop skills Improve Knowledge
Expected Levels of Progression Curriculum for Excellence defines five levels of learning. Early The pre-school years and P1, or later for some. First To the end of P4, but earlier or later for some. Second To the end of P7, but earlier or later for some Third and Fourth S1 to S3, but earlier for some. The fourth level broadly equates to Scottish Credit and Qualifications Framework level 4. The fourth level experiences and outcomes are intended to provide possibilities for choice and young people's programmes will not include all of the fourth level outcomes. Senior phase S4 to S6, and college or other means of study.
Junior Phase S1-S3 is designed to provide a broad, general education, but there will be scope for choices including increasing specialisation during that time, ensuring learners have the right level of challenge and support. This will provide a strong basis for moving on to the learning for qualifications
Our aim in the S1 Curriculum The aim of the S1 Curriculum is to give every pupil an equal opportunity to discover her or his strengths, to provide opportunities for personal development, to be fully immersed in the ethos and life of the school There will be a focus of improving pupils’ knowledge, and developing skills in literacy, numeracy & health and wellbeing.
The S1 Journey Languages - English & French Mathematics Expressive arts – Art & Design, Drama and Music Health and wellbeing - Physical Education & Personal & Social Education Technologies – Technical, Health and Food Technology & Business and Computing Sciences – Elements of Biology, Chemistry and Physics Social studies Religious and moral education Interdisciplinary studies Loch Eil Rapid Response Personal Achievement Development of the four capacities 1. Successful learners, 2. Confident individuals, 3. Effective contributors 4. Responsible citizens.
Principles of the Curriculum Challenge and enjoyment Breadth Progression Depth Personalisation and choice Coherence Relevance.
YearCourse 2014/2015 S1 > S1 CFE Curriculum 2015/2016 S2 > S2 CFE Curriculum 2016/2017 S3 > S3 CFE Curriculum with element of choice 2017/2018 S4 > Access, National 4 (assessed by teachers) & National 5 (final external assessment & coursework & Performance) 2018 / 2019 S5 > Access, National 4, National 5 & Higher 2019 / 2020 S6 > Access, National 4, National 5, Higher & Advanced Higher
S1 Organisation 180 Pupils 9 classes of 20 pupils, 6 classes of 30 pupils 16 Subjects (some in rotation and extended blocks) Mixed ability classes Setting in Maths
Assessment Approaches Range of approaches Ongoing Assessment on a day to day basis Practical investigations Research Performances Presentations and discussions Learners’ assessment of their own work and comparisons with others Written work Responses like tests and evaluation of a final product A piece of artwork, report or a project.
Musical Interlude Olivia Clark S5 Higher Music Student
“what have you enjoyed learning about this year?” S1 focus groups
“Do you think you have made progress and how do you know?”
S1 focus groups Other points…
School Captains The future?
Supporting Pupils Pupil Support Team including Pastoral Care Team, Support for Learning and Pupil Support Assistants Personal Support teacher DHT Subject Teachers School Counsellor provision School Nurse drop in Personal and Social Education – weekly slot Active Junior Council Senior Mentors Anti Bullying Policy – Respect Me
Joint working of: Pastoral Care Support for Learning EAL support Personal Support Tutors
House System
Aims of Pastoral Care House System
What do Pastoral Care do? Advise and support all pupils 1:1 Settling in Interviews / Review meetings Work closely with tutor teachers Deliver Personal & Social Education (PSE) on a weekly basis Monitor attendance, timekeeping, progress and set targets Provide careers support Liaise with specialist and external services
S1 Support Update and Issue Confidential File Tutorial work – organisational tutorials Literacy programmes daily before school and at tutor time Paired reading (Senior Pupils helping out) Reinforcement Homework Advice to staff Reading/spelling Assessment Support Plans Referral to Psychological services and other outside agencies Co-operative teaching
Partnership with Parents Communication o Hyndland news o Website o Parents Evening o Reports o Contact School – Pastoral Care/DHT o Parent Forum o Active Parent Council o
Shared Expectations Respect Strong Ethos of Achievement and Attainment Commendations Celebrating success
Useful links and information GENERAL: Parentline Scotland: (advice for step parents) EDUCATION: (education changes) (National Parent Forum) (parent-teacher councils) and (qualifications) (careers) (additional support for learning) (monitor education standards) (access to education ministers) HOMEWORK –
Further information Parents can find out more Teachers and other professionals: The partners working to deliver Curriculum for Excellence are: Scottish Governmentwww.scotland.gov.ukwww.scotland.gov.uk The government has responsibility for the national education system Learning and Teaching Scotlandwww.LTScotland.org.ukwww.LTScotland.org.uk Develops the curriculum, provides information and guidance on learning and teaching Scottish Qualifications Authoritywww.sqa.gov.ukwww.sqa.gov.uk Develops, marks and manages the qualifications process HMIEwww.hmie.gov.ukwww.hmie.gov.uk The inspectors who monitor the quality of education