Areas of Learning As part of our topic this term, we will be exploring the effect of World War II upon our country: the devastation caused during the Blitz, the evacuation of children from major cities, trade and commerce disruption and the personnel and countries associated with war. From there, we will look at the advances in music, popular culture, fashion and technology as the decades have progressed, from the advent and development of the television, to the birth of the computer age and more recently, tablets and games consoles. We will consider how technological advances can lead to breakthroughs in our way of life, from the humble home through to hospitals, where scientific discovery has helped lead to cures and vaccines for disease and disabilities. Global Citizens We will recognise the importance of other traditions and religions throughout the world during our study of Islam and Judaism during our RE lessons. Through research and lessons we will be aware of fundraising opportunities where we can make a difference to areas of our planet. Creativity and a love of learning We will look to plan our curriculum starting with children’s questions, linking our areas of English, Art, History and Music together within one topic. We will experience themed days within this topic, giving children a first hand experience that we lead into their writing. Skills for Life We will continue to build important life skills through our varied Science and Engineering weeks. We will recognise the importance of decision making and how it may effect a place or country, relating this to the Scottish Referendum for Independence. We will continue to build our skills to make us computer literate and safe users of the World Wide Web. The Whole Child Harnessing the importance of getting along together and building long lasting friendships with those around us. We will consider this through our class lessons, collective worship and liturgy, anti-bullying and anti-racism themed weeks as well as fundraising for CAFOD. Life in Britain since 1930 Year 6 Autumn term – Mr Haws
Communication, Language & Literacy Through our reading and writing, we will explore the world of wartime Britain, experiencing first hand accounts of evacuation and using these as a basis for our own war time narratives. We will look at the persuasive writing used to engage troops leading up to the war, as well as debating the rights and wrongs of World War II through our study of report writing. We will use explanation texts, diagrams and instructions to give the modern day reader a guide into the technology of the future. Religious Education During this term, as always, RE will shape many of the things we do each day, with Christ being the centre of our school. During our lessons we will study the unconditional love felt between parent and child, God and his people. We will recognise how different people feel called to take action, a vocation and a commitment to others. We will consider the expectations we place upon others, and those that are placed upon ourselves. Mathematics Over the next term, maths will include continuous study centred around: All 4 operations + - x ÷ Fractions, decimals and percentages Shape and Space Mental calculations Solving multi-step word problems/problem solving Place value Puzzles and patterns Measurements and statistics Computing We will oversee all of our computing lessons with a background understanding of E-Safety which will allow us to continue to be mindful of the dangers of the internet. We will plan algorithms for a quiz game, combining a range of media and adding appropriate sound and picture files. Learning & Thinking Skills The children in the class will be challenged regularly with a series of challenges, brain teasers and puzzles to help develop problem solving and determination. Social Skills We will work on building bridges through our ability to forgive and seek forgiveness. Geographical Understanding Locating areas within Britain associated or affected by the Blitz through our map reading skills. Find and locate areas within Britain associated with the birth of popular culture, such as Liverpool and Beatlemania. D & T Skills We will plan, design and Anderson shelters using a range of modelling techniques. We will use careful measuring and observational skills to re-create many of the past centuries’ technological advances, such as the flat screen TV, tablets and smart phones. Science Skills We will develop our ability to describe and test different types of materials, linking to our topic where possible. We will create blackout blinds and suitable soundproofing to be used during air raids. We will study the impact of forces on the world around us. Art We will create war time posters, encouraging families to evacuate their children, and persuading men to go to war. We will study the work of a significant British artist. Physical Education We will begin the term by focusing on games that require a range of different types of passing, movement and travelling. We will look at a range of dance activities that could interpret an oncoming army. We will continue to develop our balancing, moment and gymnastic skills using a number of different forms of equipment.