Shawn Tiani RTI and Special Programs Coordinator
History: Character Counts Six pillars taught in classrooms Evidence of Six Pillars throughout the school and community Teachers were encouraged to align their classroom management plans with the Six Pillars
History: Character Counts Provided universal expectations for behavior Provided foundation for behavior support systems/classroom management plans by teaching the “why”
History: Character Counts Character Counts isn’t a management system, but rather a belief system Character Counts teaches ideals, and encourages making “right choice”, but not always explicitly taught
From Character Counts to PBIS Trustworthy Respectful Responsible Fair Caring Good Citizen Respectful Responsible Safe
What is PBIS? A universal set of behavioral expectations Pre-taught in each specific setting Reinforced through positive recognition Retaught with “Cool Tools” And celebrated school wide!
What is PBIS? A universal set of behavioral expectations
What is PBIS? Pre-taught in each specific setting
What is PBIS? Reinforced through positive recognition
What is PBIS? Retaught with “Cool Tools”
What is PBIS? And celebrated school wide!
District PBIS Structures Universal Expectations Be Respectful, Be Responsible, and Be Safe District Support Shawn Tiani, RTI & Special Programs Coordinator, serves as “External Coach” Building Support Each building has an assigned “Internal Coach” that works in collaboration with building administration teams
PBIS as part of our Multi-Tiered Systems of Support Behavior is learned, like academics… If a child struggled to read… …would you take away their book? No – we’d say READ MORE!
PBIS as part of our Multi-Tiered Systems of Support Behavior is learned, like academics… If a child couldn’t add… …would you remove their number line? No – we’d say use your resources!
PBIS as part of our Multi-Tiered Systems of Support Behavior is learned, like academics… If a child doesn’t respect others… …would you isolate them? But that’s what we do…
PBIS as part of our Multi-Tiered Systems of Support Behavior is learned, like academics… We should reteach the skill, then give them ample opportunities to practice that skill!
PBIS as part of our Multi-Tiered Systems of Support Functional Behavior Assessment / Behavior Intervention Plan Check In/Check Out, Social/Academic Intervention Groups Cool Tools, Positive Reinforcers, Celebrations
Components of a Universal System Expectations are clear and concise, can be repeated by students, and are upheld throughout all areas of the building Matrices of specific descriptors for each expectation in each area Behavior is positively rewarded Coupons (Raffle, School Store, Privileges) Out of the Blue / Random Rewards School Wide Celebrations
Components of a Universal System Consequences Consequences are not given to punish students. Consequences provide students an opportunity to… Review expectations Reflect on choices Refocus attitude/behavior After the consequence, students are provided with an opportunity to apply taught skills
Components of a Universal System Cool Tools Common behaviors concerns are identified and “Cool Tools” are created and presented Cool Tools demonstrate area-specific behavior expectations (Ie: Assemblies, Classroom blurts, Hallways, Recess/Playground) Explanation of the expectation Non Example (what not to do) Example Discussion of the expectation, specific to the non example and example
…but what if that doesn’t work…
Components of T2 Interventions Check In/Check Out Assigned a staff “mentor” Students will “check in” each morning, receive a pep talk, and pick up their Point Sheet Teachers will award students 2, 1 or 0 points for being Respectful, Responsible and Safe in each subject area 2 – minimal redirection with compliance 1 – moderate redirection with eventual compliance 0 – constant redirection with no compliance Students will “check out” at the end of the day and review the points earned with the mentor. Mentor will review points and discuss the choices the student made (good or bad) but DOES NOT CONSEQUENCE/DISCIPLINE/REPRIMAND!
Daily Point Report (DPR) Expectations I/E SPECIALS READING SCIENCE & SOC ST LUNCH & RECESS GUIDED READING LANGUAGE ARTS MATH Be Respectful 2 1 0 Be Responsible Be Safe
Components of T2 Interventions Social/Academic Intervention Groups Students with common behavior and/or academic needs meet weekly with a group facilitator to focus on specific behavior concerns and how they should look in academic settings Examples A group of students who struggle with organization and reading may have a reading intervention and part of that intervention will include organizing their materials, teaching them how to apply that skill to other classes A group of students in a math intervention are disrespectful to their peers. As part of the math intervention, Friday is “Math Game Day” where they play games with each other. The teacher reviews what respectful, responsible and safe behavior looks like while playing the game, and challenges students to extend their thinking to outside of the intervention (ie at recess).
Where did Character Counts go?
Character Counts PBIS provides the “What” – WHAT are the expectations Character Counts provides a means to teach the “Why” – WHY do we expect that Signs of Character Counts is still evident Signs, banners, picnic tables, garbage cans, language Character Counts is still taught, but sporadically and primarily in the younger grades Each class has a minimum of 30 minutes/week for “Social-Emotional Learning” time, where Cool Tools, Character Counts, Second Step and Skill Streaming are used to reinforce the universal behavioral expectations.
2015…and beyond! Bullying is an increasing problem – not just in our schools, but nationwide. Developing a District-wide, homegrown Anti-Bullying campaign District “Slogan” (something we generate, that is ours) Contests Art: Posters, Banners, etc Writing: Poetry, Stories, etc Performing Arts: Songs, Assemblies, etc
How B.E.S.T. can help… If interested, we would love to partner with BEST to bring our anti-bullying message out into the community. Reignite the connection built through Character Counts Bridge the community and our schools
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