2 Corinthians 10 Daring to discipline
Overview Background Paul’s desire to persuade Paul’s willingness to discipline Spiritual power and divine authority Heavenly and worldly standards So what?
Background 2 letters or 1? A change of tone The false apostles –Challenged Paul’s authority –Timid when face to face but bold when away –Letters are weighty and forceful but in person he is unimpressive and is speaking amounts to nothing Discipline in relation to –Doctrinal purity –Authority and leadership
Paul’s desire to persuade The language Paul uses with them –Verses 1, 2, 8 & 9 –Appeal, beg, building up, not frightening Gentleness, meekness and humility Leaders with servant hearts –Matthew 20:25-28 & Mark 10: Correcting those who sin –Galatians 6:1 This despite the history –1 Corinthians 5: 3-5
Paul’s willingness to discipline The importance of disciplining those who will not be corrected and repent –1 Corinthians 5 – Acts 13:8 – 12 – Acts 5:1-11 Boldness against the worldly & unrepentant (2) Punishment for those who refuse sound doctrine (6) Consistency between what he was in person and what he wrote (3)
Spiritual power & divine authority Spiritual battles need spiritual weapons –Ephesians 6 The irresistibility of the church (Matt 16) –Demolish strongholds (4) –Demolish arguments and pretentions (5) –Take every thought captive (5) The final outcome is secure Paul was appointed by Christ (7&8) –Building up not pulling down –Not ashamed of his calling Beware of looking only on the surface –The Lord looks on the heart
Heavenly and worldly standards God’s standards or men’s? –Comparing selves to peers is unwise Sober judgement Concentrate on your God-given task Don’t claim credit for what others have done There’s more still to do The limits of authority It’s all from and for God
So what? Do we seek to restore sinners gently and lovingly? Are we judgemental, moralistic and aggressive? Are we trying to make a name for ourselves? Do we have pure servant hearts? Are we patient with those who have “a long way to go”? Are we bold against those who refuse to be corrected? Are we consistent in our discipline? Do we recognise the spiritual battles we face? Are we daily preparing and engaging in spiritual battle? Do we believe we can win in God’s power? Do we have an answer for unbelievers? Are we building for God’s kingdom? Are we living to please God as faithful servants?