NERC Project PRC-005 FERC Order No. 803 Directive Presentation to the NSRS Conference Call August 17, 2015 Sam Francis Oncor Electric Delivery
Status of PRC (FERC Order No. 803 Directive) PRC Protection System, Automatic Reclosing, and Sudden Pressure Relaying Maintenance is posted for comment and additional ballot Comment period July 30 – September 16, 2015 Additional ballot and Non-binding Poll: 09/04/ 2015 to 09/16/2015
FERC Order No. 803 FERC Order 803 FERC approved Standard PRC (maintenance of reclosing relays at specific locations) Directed NERC to develop modifications to PRC to include supervisory devices associated with auto-reclosing relay schemes to which the standard applies
PRC PRC draft submitted for comments 06/11/ /10/15 Based on Industry comments the only major revision to PRC- 005 made in PRC that is now out for comment and soon ballot is a revision to the definition of Automatic Reclosing from two specific elements to four Reclosing relay Supervisory relay(s) – relay(s) that perform voltage and/or sync check functions that enable or disable operation of the reclosing relay Voltage sensing devices associated with the supervisory relay(s) Control circuitry associated with the reclosing relay or supervisory relay(s)
Going Forward PRC is posted for formal comment and ballot Comment period: July 30-September 16, 2015 Initial ballot and Non-binding poll: September 04-16, 2015 Draft RSAW to be posted for feedback The week of August 17 th 2015 Standard Drafting Team in-person meeting to respond to comments September 29, 30 and October 1, 2015 Anticipated final ballot October 2015 Anticipated NERC Board of Trustees adoption November 2015
PRC-005 Implementation Because of projects that have resulted in numerous versions of PRC-005 (currently 8 not implemented) that each come with a separate Implementation Plan the Drafting Team for PRC-005 has presented a proposal to NERC staff to simplify the Implementation schedule NERC has had discussions with FERC staff and FERC legal and neither are opposed to having all of the outstanding versions of PRC-005 become effective at the same time. Drafting Team plan Post PRC with its Implementation Plan Have PRC adopted by the NERC Board Of Trustees in November 2015 Have NERC file versions 5 and 6 of PRC-005 with FERC along with a request to “merge” the Implementation Plans for all outstanding versions (2ii, 3, 3i, 3ii, 4, 5 and 6)