Fronter Supporting SEAL ICT Conference 2010 The Sky’s the Limit!
Fronter Supporting SEAL Supporting SEAL Objectives Through Fronter SEAL at School: forums, personal pages… E-Sense links with SEAL & Fronter SEAL at Home: Gold Family Activities
Fronter Supporting SEAL E-Sense Resources from the e-learning team + weblinks: =1&rootid=6475&level2id=6475&level1= Developing responsible use of Fronter (and the Internet) SEAL links with e-Safety ICT progression chart for e-Sense Fronter – ThinkB4UPost guidelines ThinkUKnow/ROAR e-safety
Fronter Supporting SEAL Starting out (or rediscovering Fronter) via SEAL! Gets staff familiar with creating pages and containers in Fronter Gets pupils familiar with login and navigation BUT needs e-Safety as part of their learning experience before Fronter is introduced Forums give ‘quiet’ children a voice
Fronter Supporting SEAL SEAL resources online
Fronter Supporting SEAL New Beginnings Say No to Bullying Changes RelationshipsGood To Be Me Going For Goals Getting On & Falling Out e-Sense
Fronter Supporting SEAL
Brainstorm forums…
Fronter Supporting SEAL
“Shared” Fronter document, multiple authors:
The conversation forum only allows responses to be made in chronological order. The discussion forum allows replies to be posted at any point in the discussion. A debate forum colour codes your contribution according to your point of view. When you create the forum you can have colours for points of view. The question and answer forum allows you to choose who can answer questions from a list of the members in the room. The brainstorm is the only anonymous forum. Ask children to add their name if you want to see who has made the contribution. Fronter Supporting SEAL
Create your own resources or get the children to create resources How to create a Powerpoint photo album Embedding Powerpoints on Fronter with Open Office (free software to convert ppt to swf)
Fronter Supporting SEAL e-Sense, Anti-Bullying, Cyber-Bullying & Fronter Encourage children as Creators & Collaborators School Councillors from Curry Rivel made an informational video about activities their school had undertaken to raise the profile of anti- bullying.
Fronter Supporting SEAL e-Sense: get the children to come up with the “rules” for appropriate and safe… content on Personal pages response and content of Stickies responding within a forum wording of votes.
Fronter Supporting SEAL Hot off the Press…! A fantastic resource to import from the Primary Sharing Room
Fronter Supporting SEAL SEAL at home – Gold family activities Set up a new room in your shared corridor as a SEAL Room.
Fronter Supporting SEAL SEAL at home – Gold family activities
Fronter Supporting SEAL
Supporting SEAL Objectives Through Fronter SEAL at School: forums, personal pages… E-Sense links with SEAL & Fronter SEAL at Home: Gold Family Activities
Fronter Supporting SEAL No excuses!
Fronter Supporting SEAL If you have any questions about today’s workshop, or would like some advice, feel free to contact me: Or you’re welcome to visit us at High Ham Primary School!