FACEBOOK Material adapted from
Why use Facebook? See updates and posts from friends Share photos and videos with friends Share information on your profile page Join groups and events Chat with friends online Play games and use applications Connect with businesses and celebrities Use Facebook to sign into different services (eg, Pinterest)
Signing up for Facebook Navigate to in your web browser. Under the words Sign Up, enter your personal information and desired password, then click Sign Up
Adding information in Facebook Facebook will walk you through several steps in adding information and features to your Facebook account. These can all be skipped at first and returned to later
Find friends with address book
Add Friends on Facebook
Profile Information – Job, Hometown, etc..
Profile Picture
Confirm by checking your
Facebook Privacy Intro You could be sharing personal information you’d rather keep private, such as your birth date and address. Anything you post, such as photos, comments, and status updates, will be visible to people you don’t know. Embarrassing or unflattering posts could negatively affect your personal and professional reputation. Third-party websites and applications can access and share information from your Facebook account.
Facebook Privacy
Navigating Facebook Two main ways of looking at facebook: ● Timeline or Profile page – everything you post about yourself (or an organization posts) ● Home page or News feed – Where you see posts other people or organizations share
Timeline or Profile
Home Page
Home Page/News Feed Click here for Home Page
Who can see a post? If you post a photo on a friend’s timeline: ● All your friends can see the photo ● Anyone who is friends with the person who you shared with can ALSO see the photo.
How your Timeline looks to Friends
How timeline looks to anyone
Apps and games Apps will ask for permission to access your facebook, for instance posting a winning score or book you just finished on your timeline.
Posting on Facebook
Terms Search Bar Timeline/Profile Home Page/ News feed Friend Request Message or Notification Like Status Update
Adding Friends You’ll be posting to your group of friends, so the first part of facebook is adding friends Use the search bar to search for someone you know on facebook
Adding Friends When you find someone, you can click “Add Friend” to request them as a friend. Next time they log into facebook they can confirm or deny your request.
Using Facebook Posting ● On your timeline ● On a friend’s timeline Tagging ● In a post or a picture Messaging ● To a group or an individual
Post to your Timeline Find at the top of your Timeline – ‘Publisher” Click inside and more options appear at the bottom Click “Post” when you’ve finished typing.
Posting Photos Photos: It's easy to share your photos on Facebook. Just click Add Photos/Video in the Publisher. You can then upload a photo from your computer, or upload lots of pictures at once to create a photo album.
Liking Posts Like posts friends have shared You can also like the Facebook page for businesses and organizations to receive updates about them in your News Feed.
Facebook Chat/Messaging Locate and select the chat box in the bottom-right corner of the screen. A list of friends who are currently available to chat will appear. Select an available friend. Available friends have a green dot by them.
Chat, continued. Click on a friend’s name you’d like to chat with. A chat window will appear. Type your message, then press Enter. Your conversation will appear in the chat window.
Facebook Messages Messages work like chat, but allow you to send messages to people who are offline. Locate and select the Messages icon at the top of the screen, then select Send a New Message.
Messages, continued. A message window will appear. Type the name of the person you want to message—a list of suggested friends will appear as you type. You can click a suggestion to add that friend to the message. Type your message. When you're done, press Enter to send it.
Messages, continued. You can also send messages to your friends directly from their Timelines. Simply click the Message button on a friend's Timeline to start a new message. To message an organization, you will need to use this method
Updating Your Personal Information Items you skipped when signing up for an account can be added from your timeline Go to your timeline by clicking your name, then click ‘Update Info” button
Updating Your Personal Information, cont. Enter any information you’d like to add Enter any information you’d like to add
Setting up Privacy Controls Two main ways to control privacy: ● You can apply privacy settings that set general rules about who can contact you and view your information. ● You can control who sees every individual thing you share.
Setting General Privacy Rules Privacy Shortcuts Privacy Settings and Tools Page
Privacy Settings for Individual Posts The audience selector
Settings Page
Location Facebook can post your location – on a computer click the place icon in your publisher window If it automatically guesses a location, you can click the x next to it in order not to publish it.
Location Cont. If you are using Facebook for mobile phone, you can disable Facebook’s connectivity with the phone’s GPS in the phone’s settings menu.
Post on your Timeline/Profile Click on your name at the top of Facebook to navigate to your Timeline Click on the text “What’s on your mind?” and type your own post – then click submit.
Like Your Library First, find the library page by using the search bar Type your library’s name in the search bar and hit enter. You can look for friends on Facebook using this search bar as well.
Like Ector County Library Once you find your library page in search, click the result to go to the page. Click ‘Like’ to like and follow the page.
Add A Friend Use the search bar to search for someone you know Request them as a friend
Send a Message Click the ‘Message’ Button to send a message to the library Type a message then click ‘Send’
Tagging others in Posts Type your message, and to tag someone, type in front of their name and it should come up in a list you can select. Click to select, and your tag will show up with blue highlight. Press ‘Post’ to send your tagged status.
Sign up for Pinterest using Facebook Navigate to Click “Continue with Facebook”
Pinterest Cont. Once you enter your Facebook Username ( address) and Password you will have signed up for Pinterest. Pinterest is an example of an outside platform app using information from Facebook.
What is Pinterest? Social media for sharing images and links, called a ‘virtual pinboard’. For more information see
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