Non- Conformity (not wanting to fit in) in the 1950’s Non- Conformity (not wanting to fit in) in the 1950’s *due to conformity of 50’s (Middle class, suburban, materialistic, consumer culture) some people rebelled 1) Explain how television was not a real reflection of society in the 1950’s. 2) Identify the Beatniks and explain why they rebelled against 1950’s culture. 3) Analyze why rock and roll became such a popular form of music in the 1950’s and compare how hip hop and rock are similar.
Mass Media- communication to reach large audiences Mass Media- communication to reach large audiences *source of conformity in 1950’s Television- became popular in 50’s (1950-9%, 1955-55%, 1960-90% Americans owned TVs) “Golden Age” early TV was live and included mistakes and bloopers Shows- I Love Lucy, Mickey Mouse Club, Ozzie and Harriet, Father Knows Best Are these shows a real reflection of America?
Television (cont.) Stereotypes- critics pointed out stereotypical roles of women (housewife), male characters outnumbered women (3-1), and Af/Am. and Latinos rarely appeared *TV portrayed idealized white America (no poverty, diversity, sex, and contemporary CONFLICTS such as civil rights Is TV today a better refection of America? Give examples
High School- center of teen culture (why?) Teen Age Rebellion- teens reject tidy, suburban America develop their own clothes, styles, slang, rebelliousness, and sexual promiscuity Why do teens always seem to want to rebel and be different? (Where does this non-conformity come from? TV, music, friends, puberty?) High School- center of teen culture (why?) *melting pots where teens were exposed to the styles of minorities and lower class juvenile delinquents- misbehaved teens (jeans, white T-shirts, smoked cigarettes What changed in the 1950’s that allowed teenagers for the first time to have enough clout where they were able to influence American culture?
Beats Beatniks- rejected middle class, conformist culture in favor of living in the moment and seeking fun (1st group to experiment w drugs/ marijuana, open attitude towards pre-marital sex and homosexuality, grew hair long and dressed down), group of artists detailed their exploits On the Road Jack Kerouac- book that detailed the beat life (travel, hooking up w friends, taking drugs, seeking pleasure over responsibility) Explain how the Beats were revolutionary in the 1950’s. How is the Beatniks style ingrained in our culture today?
Rock and Roll- music of teens in 50’s American music- Rock blended Blues, Country, and “pop” (blended three types of music that grew out of regional areas and mixed in the cities) “Shake, Rattle, and Roll” Bill Haley, 1st rock song to reach the Billboard top ten Many older Americans were afraid of Rock n’ Roll, why would older Americans be afraid of this new music in the 1950’s?
Big 4- these musicians popularized rock and have a lasting impact today Little Richard- Af/Am, piano- wild showman on stage (“Lucille”, “Good Golly Miss Molly”) Jerry Lee Lewis- white, piano- Wildman (Rock n Roll lifestyle) “Great Balls of Fire” Chuck Berry- Af./Am, guitar- established the guitar as THE Rock and Roll instrument with strong guitar “licks” (Beatles, Rolling Stones favorite artist) “Johnny Be Good”, “Roll over Beethoven” Analyze how their “look” is different from other artists and ordinary citizens from previous decades. What is it that these artists are saying in their attitude and why would that be so popular with teenagers?
ELVIS Presley- made rock #1, good looking, good voice, long hair, sexual (gyrated hips on stage) “Hound Dog”, “Don’t Be Cruel” *white guy who sounded black and could sing (Elvis proved white people could sound as good as blacks singing Rock) What artists would be considered the Elvis of today? (ID the most popular music today and who the one white artist that has respect from both blacks and whites? Girls and Boys? Explain why that artist has so much appeal?