Biol 2430 Anatomy and Physiology Lect #2 Muse 5/5/10
THE CELL The cell is the smallest structural and functional unit of the body. Most of the chemical reactions that sustain life occur inside cells.
An Introduction to Cells Sex cells (germ cells) –Reproductive cells –Male sperm –Female oocyte (a cell that develops into an egg) Somatic cells (soma = body) –All body cells except sex cells
An Introduction to Cells A cell is surrounded by a watery medium known as the extracellular fluid (interstitial fluid) –Plasma membrane (cell membrane) separates cytoplasm from the extracellular fluid –Cytoplasm Cytosol = liquid Intracellular structures collectively known as organelles
Chapter 3 Cells vary in size possess distinctive shapes measured in micrometers
Cell functions are similar in all cells Cells maintain a selective barrier called the plasma membrane between their cytoplasm and the extracellular environment. All substances that enter or leave the cell must pass across the barrier. Cells contain hereditary material carrying encoded instructions for the synthesis of most of the cellular components. This hereditary material is duplicated prior to cell reproduction so that each new cell carries a full set of instructions. Cells carry out metabolic activities, which are catalyzed chemical reactions that result in the synthesis and breakdown of organic molecules.
Components of a cell A generalized body cell has four principal divisions: –the plasma membrane –the cytoplasm –cytoplasmic organelles –the nucleus.
A Composite Cell hypothetical cell major parts nucleus cytoplasm cell membrane
Cell Membrane The proteins are divided into two categories: integral and peripheral. –The integral proteins form the majority of membrane proteins. They penetrate and are embedded in the bilayer, bound to the nonpolar tail regions. The transmembrane proteins span the bilayer completely and may form channels (pores) for transport of substances across the membrane. Integral proteins also may lie partly submerged in one side or the other. They have several functions. –Some integral proteins serve as cell surface enzymes. –Integral proteins bound to carbohydrates may form receptor sites for chemical messages from other cells, such as endocrine glands. –Some also function as markers, or antigens, which identify cell types. The peripheral proteins are loosely bound to the membrane surface and can be easily removed from it. Their functions are not as well known as those of integral proteins. They may be involved in structural support and changes in membrane shape during cell division or cell movement.
Cell Membrane outer limit of cell controls what moves in and out of cell selectively permeable phospholipid bilayer water-soluble “heads” form surfaces water-insoluble “tails” form interior permeable to lipid-soluble substances cholesterol stabilizes the membrane proteins receptors pores, channels, carriers enzymes CAMS (Cellular Adhesion Molecules) self-markers
Cell Membrane
The Plasma Membrane
Intercellular Junctions Tight junctions close space between cells located among cells that form linings Desmosomes form “spot welds” between cells located among outer skin cells Gap junctions tubular channels between cells located in cardiac muscle cells
Cell Adhesion Molecules guide cells on the move selectin – allows white blood cells to “anchor” integrin – guides white blood cells through capillary walls important for growth of embryonic tissue important for growth of nerve cells
Ribosomes Structure –Ribosomes are small granules composed of ribosomal RNA and almost 80 different proteins. –They occur as individual granules or in clusters called polyribosomes. –They may be free in the cytoplasm (free ribosomes) or attached to the membranes of the endoplasmic reticulum. Function –Ribosomes are the site of protein synthesis. –Free ribosomes are involved in the synthesis of proteins for the cell’s own use; for example, in the renewal of enzymes and membranes. –Attached ribosomes are the site of synthesis of proteins that are secretory products to be released from the cell.
Golgi Apparatus Function The Golgi apparatus is the site of accumulation, concentration, packaging, and chemical modification of the secretory products synthesized on the rough ER. –The transport vesicles pinch off from the ER and carry the secretions to the Golgi apparatus, where the secretions fuse with its cisternae. –The large condensing vacuoles concentrate the secretion and package them to become secretory granules. –Secretory granules, which are large, densely packed, membrane- bounded structures, unload their contents via exocytosis upon nervous or hormonal stimulation. –The Golgi apparatus also chemically modifies the molecules synthesized in the ER for incorporation into the plasma membrane. It adds fatty acid residues to certain proteins to convert them to lipoproteins, and it synthesizes and attaches carbohydrate side chains to proteins to form glvcoproteins. –The Golgi apparatus processes proteins that function intracellularly, such as the lysosome enzymes.
The Nucleus is the largest organelle It is present in all cells of the body except mature red blood cells, which lost their nuclei as they developed. Generally, each cell has a single nucleus, but some giant cells, such as megakaryocytes of bone marrow, osteoclasts of bone, and skeletal muscle cells, may have several nuclei.
Nucleus Structure –The nuclear envelope consists of a double membrane separated by the perinuclear space. The inner membrane is smooth. The outer membrane often contains ribosomes and is continuous with the surrounding ER. The inner and outer membranes fuse at irregular intervals around the nucleus to form nuclear pores, which allow for exchange of materials between the nucleus and the cytoplasm. –Chromatin appears as irregular clumps or granules material dispersed throughout the nucleus. Chromatin is composed of coiled strands of DNA bound to basic proteins called histones, varying amounts of RNA, and other nonhistone proteins and enzyme systems. In a dividing cell, the chromatin is condensed and coiled into discrete units, the chromosomes. Human cells contain 23 pairs of chromosomes. –The nucleoplasm is the matrix that surrounds the chromatin. It is composed of proteins, metabolites, and ions. –The nucleolus is a spherical structure composed of RNA and protein. The size of the nucleolus and the number present vary in different cell types. It is missing in cells that do not synthesize protein, such as spermatozoa. It is the site of ribosome production
The cytoplasm contains a complex network of structural components Microfilaments –Structure Microfilaments are solid thread-like cylinders made of protein and found in a variety of sites within the cell. –Function Microfilaments are responsible for contractility of cells, which is a property of all cells but is especially well developed in muscle cells. Contractility is responsible for cell locomotion and movements associated with phagocytosis, pinocytosis, and cell division.
Structural Components Microtubules –Structure Microtubules are hollow tubes present everywhere in the cytoplasm in all cells. They are composed of protein tubulin molecules. –Function Microtubules contribute to the cytoskeleton, or supporting elements, of the cell. They also are involved in cell division, cell movements, and the transport of materials from one area of the cell to another.
Structural Components Centrioles –S–Structure In a nondividing cell, two centrioles are located near the nucleus and Golgi apparatus in a specialized region called the centrosome. –F–Function Centrioles function in cell division and also as the site of the formation of cilia and flagella. Centrioles are self-replicating and divide prior to cell division. Following replication, each original centriole and its duplicate migrate to opposite nuclear poles where they induce the formation of the spindle apparatus during cell division.
Cilia and flagella –Structure Both cilia and flagella are motile processes that extend out from the cell surface. They are composed of longitudinal microtubules, which are arranged as two single tubules surrounded by a ring of nine regularly spaced double tubules. –Function Both cilia and flagella function in movement. Cilia are able to move fluid or a layer of mucus over the surface of the cells on which they occur, while the flagellum of the sperm cell propels the cell.
Cytoplasmic Organelles Endoplasmic Reticulum connected, membrane-bound sacs, canals, and vesicles transport system rough ER studded with ribosomes protein synthesis smooth ER lipid synthesis added to proteins arriving from rough ER break down of drugs Ribosomes free floating or connected to ER provide structural support
Cytoplasmic Organelles Golgi apparatus stack of flattened, membranous sacs modifies, packages and delivers proteins Mitochondria membranous sacs with inner partitions generate energy Vesicles membranous sacs store substances
Cytoplasmic Organelles Lysosomes enzyme-containing sacs digest worn out cell parts or unwanted substances Peroxisomes enzyme-containing sacs break down organic molecules Centrosome two rod-like centrioles used to produce cilia and flagella distributes chromosomes during cell division
Cytoplasmic Organelles Cilia short hair-like projections propel substances on cell surface Flagellum long tail-like projection provides motility to sperm
Microfilaments and microtubules thin rods and tubules support cytoplasm allows for movement of organelles Cytoplasmic Organelles Inclusions temporary nutrients and pigments
Cell Nucleus control center of cell nuclear envelope porous double membrane separates nucleoplasm from cytoplasm nucleolus dense collection of RNA and proteins site of ribosome production chromatin fibers of DNA and proteins stores information for synthesis of proteins
Movements Into and Out of the Cell Passive (Physical) Processes require no cellular energy simple diffusion facilitated diffusion osmosis filtration Active (Physiological) Processes require cellular energy active transport endocytosis exocytosis transcytosis
Diffusion The random movement of particles (molecules or ions) under the influence of their own thermal energy, from an area of their higher concentration to an area of their lower concentration, or “downhill.” Diffusion of molecules or ions may take place in a liquid, gas, or solid or through nonliving or living membranes that are permeable to them. –Diffusion in a liquid is the movement of solute and solvent particles in all directions through a solution, or in both directions through a permeable membrane. –Net diffusion is the movement of particles from an area of their own high concentration to an area of lower concentration; that is, along their own concentration gradients. Net diffusion means more particles are diffusing in one direction than in the other.
The rate of net diffusion of particles in a solution is increased by the following factors: A higher concentration gradient because there are more particles A low molecular weight because large particles are not as easily moved by colliding with each other An increase in temperature because higher temperature increases random particle movement.
Simple Diffusion movement of substances from regions of higher concentration to regions of lower concentration oxygen, carbon dioxide and lipid-soluble substances
Osmosis movement of water through a selectively permeable membrane from regions of higher concentration to regions of lower concentration water moves toward a higher concentration of solutes
Osmosis Osmotic Pressure – ability of osmosis to generate enough pressure to move a volume of water Osmotic pressure increases as the concentration of nonpermeable solutes increases hypertonic – higher osmotic pressure hypotonic – lower osmotic pressure isotonic – same osmotic pressure
Facilitated Diffusion In facilitated diffusion, the carrier substance combines with the solute molecules to form a solute-carrier complex, which is soluble in the lipid-bilayer, and thus transports the solute across the membrane. Once on the other side, the solute is released. The carrier breaks away from the complex, returns to the exterior of the membrane, and repeats the process. –The carriers exhibit specificity; i.e. they are highly selective in distinguishing between closely related molecules. –Facilitated diffusion can be inhibited by competitive and noncompetitive inhibitor molecules, which closely resemble the solute molecules. –The rate of passage of a solute through facilitated diffusion depends on: its concentration difference on both sides of the membrane the number of carrier molecules available how rapidly the solute-carrier complex formation takes place.
Facilitated Diffusion diffusion across a membrane with the help of a channel or carrier molecule glucose and amino acids
Filtration smaller molecules are forced through porous membranes hydrostatic pressure important in the body molecules leaving blood capillaries
Active Transport carrier molecules transport substances across a membrane from regions of lower concentration to regions of higher concentration sugars, amino acids, sodium ions, potassium ions, etc.
Endocytosis (endo = inner) Means taking into the cell. It includes phagocytosis and pinocytosis. –Phagocytosis (phago = to eat) is the engulfing of large solid substances by foldings of the plasma membrane to form a phagocytic vesicle. The phagocytic vesicle fuses with a lysosome and the lysosomal enzymes destroy the contents. Specialized phagocytic cells in the body remove disintegrating cells, foreign matter, and bacteria. –Pinocytosis (pino to drink) is the engulfing of small drops of extracellular fluid, which may contain dissolved nutrients, and incorporating them into the cell. Receptor-mediated endocytosis refers to the binding of receptor molecules on the cell surface with specific substances known as ligands. The receptor-ligand complex then undergoes endocytosis for transport into the cell.
Endocytosis cell engulfs a substance by forming a vesicle around the substance three types pinocytosis – substance is mostly water phagocytosis – substance is a solid receptor-mediated endocytosis – requires the substance to bind to a membrane-bound receptor
Exocytosis reverse of endocytosis substances in a vesicle fuse with cell membrane contents released outside the cell release of neurotransmitters from nerve cells
Transcytosis endocytosis followed by exocytosis transports a substance rapidly through a cell HIV crossing a cell layer
Stages of replication The two strands of DNA are unwound and separated (unzipped) by unwinding enzymes, which cause the weak hydrogen bonds between the paired bases to break. The enzyme DNA polymerase, using the four kinds of complementary nucleotides freely present in the nucleus, matches and attaches the nucleotides to the exposed bases on each unzipped, single stranded DNA. Two complete DNA double helices are formed, each identical in nucleotide sequence to the original DNA helix that served as the templates. Thus, the genetic information is copied exactly. Such replication is termed semiconservative because it conserves each strand of the original DNA double helix while each also receives a newly synthesized matching partner strand.
DNA Replication hydrogen bonds break between bases double strands unwind and pull apart new nucleotides pair with exposed bases controlled by DNA polymerase
The cell cycle and mitosis The cell cycle, in cells that are capable of dividing, refers to the events in a cell’s life span in the period between the time it was formed by cell division to the beginning of the next cell division. The greatest portion of the cycle (about 90%) is devoted to growth and synthesis, called interphase, with a smaller portion devoted to nuclear and cell division, or mitosis.
The Cell Cycle series of changes a cell undergoes from the time it forms until the time it divides stages interphase mitosis cytoplasmic division
The Cell Cycle
Interphase very active period cell grows cell maintains routine functions cell replicates genetic material to prepare for nuclear division cell synthesizes new organelles to prepare for cytoplasmic division phases G phases – cell grows and synthesizes structures other than DNA S phase – cell replicates DNA
Mitosis produces two daughter cells from an original somatic cell nucleus divides – karyokinesis cytoplasm divides – cytokinesis stages prophase – chromosomes form; nuclear envelope disappears metaphase – chromosomes align midway between centrioles anaphase – chromosomes separate and move to centrioles telophase – chromatin forms; nuclear envelope forms
Control of Cell Division cell division capacities vary greatly among cell types skin and blood cells divide often and continually neuron cells divide a specific number of times then cease chromosome tips (telomeres) that shorten with each mitosis provide a mitotic clock cells divide to provide a more favorable surface area to volume relationship growth factors and hormones stimulate cell division hormones stimulate mitosis of smooth muscle cells in uterus epidermal growth factor stimulates growth of new skin tumors are the consequence of a loss of cell cycle control contact (density dependent) inhibition
Stem and Progenitor Cells Stem cell can divide to form two new stem cells self-renewal can divide to form a stem cell and a progenitor cell totipotent – can give rise to every cell type pluripotent – can give rise to a restricted number of cell types Progenitor cell committed cell can divide to become any of a restricted number of cells pluripotent
Stem and Progenitor Cells
The telomere paradox