Raising Aspiration & Achievement Strategy 22 nd March 2014 Name David Linnell OBE Title Chair RAAS Board Cornwall
Aim is to ensure high aspirations for all children and young people
Strategy will focus on: Most able children and young people High quality leadership Performance of boys Closing the gap for vulnerable groups Developing school organisation
Sub-Groups Raising Standards Continuing Professional Development Parental Aspiration and Engagement
Progress so far… Co-ordination of aspiration raising events Internships for Year 10 Support for successful activities e.g. Greenpower Project to improve information, advice and guidance Greater involvement of businesses in curriculum development
Progress so far… Development of CPD programmes with universities and teaching schools Greater awareness of best practice A review of post 16 education and training A focus on aspirations and achievements Strong link education, the employment and skills board and LEP
Your role in RAAS and the Board Awareness Provide ideas and challenge Consider joining one of the sub-groups
Thanks and Questions?