Stats for Missouri (based only on data from CCLC - APR)
Missouri has granted 113 awards in its 21st Century Community Learning Centers program. Of these 113, 60 were active during the school year and thus required to fill out the 2006 Annual Performance Report (APR). The following pages give a summary of the results of the APR. Overview; –MO Grantees 60 –Centers 134 –Feeder Schools 212 –Total Students Served 18,518 –Regular Attendees Served 8,388 –Total Adult Participants 4,250 –Paid Staff 1,658 –Volunteer Staff 252 State and National Data School Year CCLC – APR Reporting
MO Grantees Represent –89% schools –5% CBO –6% Other (FBO, College, For-Profit, etc) Nationally: –87% schools –5% CBO –8% Other (FBO, College, For-Profit, etc) State and National Data School Year CCLC – APR Reporting
# of attendees served during year All States / Missouri –Less than 100: 43.43% / 40.30% – : 20.34% / 23.13% – : 12.02% / 14.93% – : 7.87% / 8.96% – : 5.27% / 7.46% –301+: 1.87% / 5.22% Total # Students 1,416,367 / 18,518 Total # Regular 758,098 / 8,388 Avg # Students / Avg # Regular / State and National Data School Year Attendance
All States / MO LEP15.64%2.26% FRL 62.44%55.29% Spec Needs/ 8.67% 7.13% Disabilities State and National Data School Year Special Services or Programs
State and National Data School Year Attendance Total Students Regular Students All States / MO All States / MO K = 4.05 / / = 7.06 / / = 8.25 / / = 9.73 / / = 9.84 / / = 9.55 / / State and National Data School Year Grade Levels - percentages
Total Students Regular Students All States / MO All States / MO 6 = 9.84 / / = 8.55 / / = 7.74 / / = 5.74 / / = 4.78 / / = 4.12 / / = 3.45 / /.47 Unknown = 6.71 / /.31 State and National Data School Year Grade Levels - percentages (cont’d)
Highest % - National grade level: –Total Student = 4 th & 6 th grade tied at 9.84% –Regular Student = 3 rd Grade 12.3% Highest % - Missouri grade level: –Total Student = 4 th Grade 11.15% –Regular Student = 3 rd Grade 13.91% State and National Data School Year Grade Levels (cont’d)
Data based on % of Regular Students: National: –Male = 46.76% –Female = 46.94% –Unknown = 6.30% Missouri: –Male = 51.50% –Female = 48.50% –Unknown = 0% State and National Data School Year Gender
Data based on % of Regular Students: National: –Hispanic/Latino = 37.42% –Black/African American = 27.11% –White = 22.85% –American Indian/Alaska Native = 3.27% –Asian/Pacific Islander = 3.12% –Native Hawaiian = 0.04% –Data missing = 2.52% State: –Hispanic/Latino = 3.23% –Black/African American = 25.89% –White = 66.30% –American Indian/Alaska Native = 2.34% –Asian/Pacific Islander =.44% –Native Hawaiian = 0% –Data missing = 0% State and National Data School Year Ethnicity
Typical # Hrs/Week National Missouri 1- 5: 6.26% : 27.91% : 41.13% 51.49% 16-20: 16.45% 28.36% 21+: 8.25% 20.15% State and National Data School Year Hours of Operation School Year Only
Staff Type National Missouri School-Day College Students HS Students Parents Youth Dev Wrkr Other Community Other Non-Teaching School Center Admin and Coords Other non-school day staff with some or no college State and National Data School Year School Year Paid Staff - Percentages
Staff Type National Missouri School-Day College Students HS Students Parents Youth Dev Wrkr Other Community Other Non-Teaching School Center Admin and Coords Other non-school day staff with some or no college State and National Data School Year School Year Volunteer Staff - Percentages
Highest 3 Paid Staff (National): School-Day Teachers: Other non-teaching school staff: Center Administrators and Coordinators: Highest 3 Paid Staff (Missouri): School-Day Teachers: Other Non-Teaching School Staff : Center Administrators and Coordinators: State and National Data School Year SUMMER Paid Staff - Percentages
Highest 3 Volunteer Staff (National): Parents: HS students: Other community members: Highest 3 Volunteer Staff (Missouri): Other Non-Teaching School Staff : Parents: Other community members: State and National Data School Year SUMMER Volunteer Staff - Percentages
Contribution Type National Missouri Eval Serv: Raise Funds: Provide Prg/Act Serv: Provide Goods: Volunteer Staff: Paid Staff: Other: State and National Data School Year Partners
Avg Estimated Monetary Value-Contributions –National: $10, –Missouri: $4, Avg Estimated Monetary Value-Subcontract –National: $21, –Missouri: $ 5, State and National Data School Year Partners (cont’d)
Sites assigning high priority to offering programming in a given subject area- SubjectNational Missouri Reading Math Science Entrepreneurial Tech Cultural Health State and National Data School Year Activities - By Subject (School Year)
Data based on % of Regular Students who Increased by ½ grade or more: ● National: Math Reading/Lang Arts Elem M/HS ●State: Math Reading/Lang Arts Elem M/HS State and National Data School Year Grades