Devolution, Local Enterprise Partnerships and Universities: early observations from Sheffield City Region Conor Moss Director of Education and Employer Partnerships
Presentation Overview Specifically, the workshop will cover: Local Enterprise Partnerships, higher-level skills and the role of universities. The role for universities in supporting and delivering devolution priorities. Securing institutional support and aligning provision with sector and LEP priorities. Partnering with industry to develop work-based learning and degree apprenticeships. Early lessons from a HEI for those considering establishing higher and degree apprenticeships.
Skills Systems: a metaphor Skills, Employment and Education: A Changing Landscape School >College>University A changing school system Declining population Employer driven skills system Devolution HE Green Paper Area Based Review Apprenticeship reforms and expansion Diminishing post-16 budgets (except apprenticeships) – some colleges in crisis Spending Review & institutional sustainability Imperative to diversify college income – employer contributions Economic fit - growth, productivity & better skilled workforce
Sheffield City Region- Combined Authority Closing the Productivity Gap SCR has a £11.9bn productivity gap 29% below the national average and largest gap of all ten of the UK Core Cities Recent study suggest – £4.8bn of the gap is due to low productivity in sectors – £1.5bn due to sector mix – £2bn is due to labour market factors (low employment and economic activity Source: New Economy Manchester and Core Cities (2015) Understanding core Cities’ Productivity Gaps
SCR Devolution 2.0- ‘Northern Powerhouse’ Devolution 2.0- ‘Northern Powerhouse’ Flexible single pot of funding from national funding streams (subject to spending review). An additional £30m over 30 years for infrastructure, skills, innovation and business growth. Support for Advanced Manufacturing Innovation District and a National College for High Speed Rail. Local control over college and training provider funding to ensure young people and adults get training provision based on employer demand. Skills investment for people in employment through the SCR Skills Bank (circa. £20m over 5 years). Closer collaboration amongst providers in the SCR aimed at being more joined up.
Developing an end-to- end skills system LEP Economic Drivers Employers Needs FE and Private Providers University Providers
SHU and the Sheffield City Region Universities as engines of growth
What do all the changes mean for HEI’s? Ripple? Wave? Tsunami?
Responding to the challenge Case Study 1 Higher and Degree Apprenticeships