Equality Under Law Civil Rights v. Civil Liberties
Equal Protection Clause States must treat all their citizens in the same manner May not draw unreasonable distinctions between different classes of people. Marriage Alcohol taxing
Separate But Equal Plessey v. Ferguson 1896 State of Louisiana, passes a law that makes blacks ride in separate railcars than whites. Found Constitutional As long as the facilities were equal, they could be separate
Brown v. Board of Education Young black girl wanted to attend a closer school which was all white, rather than a school 20 blocks away she was assigned to. She was not allowed due to race. Found Unconstitutional Reversed Plessey. v. Ferguson
Civil Rights All people have a right, to their civil liberties, not just white males and females. The Civil Rights Act 1964 prevented the government from denying civil rights to anyone on the basis of color, creed, religion, etc.
This was accomplished by: Boycotts Marching Demonstrating Civil Disobedience Lawsuits
AFFIRMATIVE ACTION Employers and Educational Institutions. Were required to accept a certain amount of minorities. Became known as minority quotas. People began to sue saying affirmative action was reverse discrimination.