Washington State’s Professional Certification The Big Picture (reminder : ) Everett Public Schools Pre-Assessment Seminar
The Vision of Washington State Professional Certification is to provide: The Professional Certificate (ProCert) is designed to help teachers demonstrate they have a positive impact on student learning. individualizedclassroom-based focuses on: increased skills to impact student learning
Teacher Certification Medical Model Vocabulary Past Present Student Teaching Internship Initial teaching certificate Residency Continuing Certificate Professional Certificate
ProCert Standards Effective Teaching Effective Teaching Professional Development Professional Development Professional Contributions Professional Contributions 12 criteria in 3 Standards (WAC A-540)
PGPs (Professional Growth Plans) and Certification Organized around the certification standards and criteria Organized around the certification standards and criteria Typically teachers develop plans for 3-5 of the criteria Typically teachers develop plans for 3-5 of the criteria
Columns of standards Standard 1 Effective Teaching The knowledge and skills for effective teaching which ensure student learning by: Standard 2 Professional Development The knowledge and skills for professional development by: Standard 3 Professional Contributions Contributions to the improvement of the school, community, and the professions by: 1 (a) Using instructional strategies that make learning meaningful and show positive impact on student learning; 1 (b) Using a variety of assessment strategies and data to monitor and improve instruction; 1 (c) Using appropriate classroom management principles, processes and practices to foster a safe, positive, student-focused learning environment; 1(d) Designing and/or adapting challenging curriculum that is based on the diverse needs of each student; 1(e) Demonstrating cultural sensitivity in teaching and in relationships with students, families and community members; 1(f) Integrating technology into instruction and assessment; and 1(g) Informing, involving, and collaborating with families and community members as partners in each student’s educational process, including information about student achievement and performance. 2 (a) Evaluating the effects of his/her teaching through feedback and reflection; 2 (b) Using professional standards and district criteria to assess professional performance, and plan and implement appropriate growth activities; and 2 (c) Remaining current in subject area(s), theories, practice, research, and ethical practice. 3 (a) Advocating for curriculum, instruction, and learning environments that meet the diverse needs of each student; and 3 (b) Participating collaboratively in school improvement activities and contributing to collegial decision making.
PGP Components (goals) 1. Professional Growth-Area of Focus 2. Rationale for Choosing this Goal 3. Identify Your New Learning 4. Timeline for Proposed Activities 5. Plan for Documenting Your Growth
TODAY - Standards 2 & 3 Standard 2: Standard 2: Focus on your learning Standard 3: Standard 3: Focus on broader educational community