Critical Essay Writing Writing an Effective Conclusion
Your Conclusion Should: Summarise Evaluate State your views Justify your views
Think of your introduction and conclusion as a framework which surrounds the main body of your essay – reminding the reader what the whole thing is about and holding it all together.
Why do you need a strong conclusion? The conclusion is your last chance to have your say on the matter. The last chance to persuade the reader that your views are correct and important. The last chance to make a good final impression on the examiner. A weak, abrupt, or uninteresting conclusion can detract greatly from what would otherwise be a memorable essay!
Do Summarise main points and pull them all together to finally state your argument. Refer back to the main points of the essay question (be consistent with your introduction). Clearly state what you think and back up your opinion with a summary of evidence from the main body of your essay.
Summarising main points: Look back over your essay. If it is well structured, each paragraph should have a TOPIC SENTENCE (one sentence which sums up what the whole paragraph is about). Select all of the topic sentences and use them to SUMMARISE the main points made in your essay.
Refer back to main points of your essay question & state what you think: Make sure you can select the key words / phrases from the essay task. Mention these and explain how you have addressed each of them (linking with your summarised main points where relevant). State your final opinion on the matter (i.e. whether or not you agree / have proved the point / answered the question).
Don’t State the purpose of the essay for the first time in your conclusion. Introduce a new idea or topic. Simply re-phrase the essay question. Include evidence that should be in the main body of your essay.