EN 1991-1-4 : Wind actions Prof EN 1991-1-4 : Wind actions Prof. Pierre SPEHL Technical Control Bureau for Construction www.seco.be
Contents of EN 1991-1-4
1.1 Scope
Storm of 25 Januari 1990
4. Basic wind velocity vb
Fundamental value vb,0 of the basic wind velocity
Wind velocity measured in BEAUVECHAIN airport (Belgium) on 25 Januari 1990 (knots)
Wind velocity measured in BRUSSELS (Belgium) on 25 Januari 1990 (knots)
Annex A : Terrain roughness (categories 0, I et II)
Annex A : Terrain roughness (categories III & IV)
4.3. Mean wind velocity vm(z)
Table 4.1 : Terrain parameters
Figure 4.1 : Assessment of terrain roughness
Transition between roughness categories
Upstream distance x (m) (National Annex of Belgium, France & Luxembourg)
Orography factor co
Wind deviation around a building
Neighbouring structures
4.5. Peak velocity pressure qp(z)
Exposure factor ce(z)
5.2. Wind pressure on surfaces
Reference height for external pressure ze (Figure 7.4)
Reference height for external pressure ze (Figure 7.4)
Zones for vertical walls (figure 7.5)
External pressure coefficient cpe for vertical walls (figure 7 External pressure coefficient cpe for vertical walls (figure 7.2 & Table 7.1)
Conical vortices (flat roof)
Zones on a monopitch roof (figure 7.7)
External pressure coefficient cpe for monopitch roofs (Table 7.3a)
Conical vortices (duopitch roof)
Wind tunnel testing (Central station Antwerp)
5.3. Wind forces
7.6. Force coefficient cf (figure 7.23 & 7.24)
Plane lattice structure with angle members (figure 7.33)
End effect factor yl (Figure 7.36)
6. Structural factor cscd
Annex D : Structural factor
6. Structural factor cscd
Background factor B²
Resonance factor R²
Aerodynamic admittance function
Power spectral density function SL (figure B.1)
Peak factor kp (figure B.2)
Vortex shedding (Annex E)
Critical wind velocity vcrit,i
Viaduc de MILLAU
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