ETHERNET:- Definition Connetion of number of system. Background 1972 Robert Metcalf David Boffs at Xeror PRODUCTION OF ETHERNET : First Ethernet Specification 100 computers at 3 Mbps 1990 Ethernet Specification IEEE specification at 10 Mbps
HOW ETHERNET WORKS : Ethernet access: CSMA/CD Example: Old party-line telephone system.
ETHERNET CABLING SYSTEM: 10 Mbps Ethernet: 10base5 or thicknet 10base2 or thinnet 10baseT or twisted pair 10baseFL or fiber optics 100 Mbps Ethernet: 100VG-Any LAN 100BaseT Ethernet
10Mbps Ethernet : 10base5 Ethernet : Specifications: Disadvantages: Large size High cost Connection method Maximum segment length500 meters Maximum taps100 Maximum segments5 Maximum segments with nodes3 Maximum distance between taps2.5 meters Maximum repeaters4 Maximum overall length with repeaters2.5 kilometers Maximum AUI drop cable length50 meters
10BASE2 ETHERNET: Specifications: Disadvantages: Network gets failure by any single broken node High cost compared to UTP cable Network unreliable due to BUS configuration Maximum segment length185 meters Maximum segments5 Maximum segments with nodes3 Maximum repeaters4 Maximum overall length with repeaters925 meters Maximum devices per segment30
10BASET ETHERNET: Specifications: Maximum segment length100 meters Maximum segments1024 Maximum segments with nodes1024 Maximum nodes per segment2 Maximum nodes per network1024 Maximum hubs in a chain4
10BASEFL ETHERNET : Specifications: Maximum segment length2000 meters Maximum segments1024 Maximum segments with nodes1024 Maximum nodes per segment2 Maximum nodes per network1024 Maximum hubs in a chain4
100Mbps Ethernet : 100VG-AnyLAN Ethernet : Specifications: 100VG-AnyLAN 100baseVG VG AnyLAN Advantages: It is faster It supports both Ethernet and Token Ring packets It uses a demand priority access method that allows for two priority levels Hubs can filter individually addressed frames for enhanced privacy Note: Categories 3,4 and 5 twisted pair and fiber optics can be use. Uses Star topology and defines how child hubs can be connected The length of any two segments must not exceed 250 meters
100baseT Ethernet: Specifications: 100baseT4 (categories 3,4 or 5 UTP or STP) 100baseTX (category 5 UTP or STP) 100baseFX (fiber-optic cable) Note: 100baseX has the same advantages and drawbacks as 10baseT.
Token Ring : Definition: IEEE standard Topology physically like a star Logically a ring topology Background: Developed by IBM as a robust Highly reliable network Complex than Ethernet Self-healing and properties
TOKEN RING: HUBS: Categories: MAU(Multi-station Access Unit) MSAU(Multi-station Smart Access Unit) SMAU(Smart Multi-station Access unit) Card Addressing and Settings: Unique address maximum two cards installation in single workstation Uses DIP switch settings cable connects 9-pin female connector 4 wires are required to make the connection to each card as UTP cable connection
Token Ring: Specifications: Cable typeUTP,STP or fiber-optic Maximum MSAUs33 Maximum nodes260 Maximum distance between node and MSAU 45.5 m(UTP),100 m(STP or fiber-optic cable) Maximum patch cable distance connecting MSAUs 2.5 meters Maximum cumulative patch cable distance connecting all MSAUs meters(UTP), Fiber- optic cabling can span several kilometers.
How token ring works:- Token passing NAUN(nearest active up-neighbour) NADN(nearest active down-neighbour) Active monitors Standby Monitors Beaconing Advantages:- reliable under heavy load built-in diagnostic and recovery mechanisms connecting a LAN to an IBM mainframe easier fault-tolerance features through ring wrap Disadvantages:- token ring cards and equipments are expensive very difficult to troubleshoot and requires expertise
FDDI(FIBER DISTRIBUSTED DATA INTERFACE): DEFINITION: Ring-based network Implemented without hubs Uses devices called concentrators Uses fiber optics to implement very fast, reliable network How FDDI works:- Token passing scheme FDDI token passing Transmitting frames Synchronous frames Multi-frame dialogs Dual counter- rotating rings
ATM(Asynchronous Transfer Mode): Definition: Standard switching techniques Uses asynchronous time-division multi-plexing Types of Network traffic: Audio(Voice telephone over short and long distances) Video (Cable television) Data (Computer communications in LAN and WAN enviroments)
How ATM works:- ATM communicates with cells 53 octets long each cell Indicates the path the data will flow through Small cells are used to minimize the latency and make it easy to process Two types of ATM network:- Permanent Virtual Circuit(PVC) set-up once allows communication between two devices Switching d Virtual Circuit (SVC) temporarily set-up just for duration of communication
Classes of service for ATM: Circuit emulation with constant bit rate Audio and/or video with a variable bit rate Connection-oriented service for data transmission Connectionless service for data transmission
Data transmission speed for ATM: NameDescription T1 Carrier1.544 Mbps using conventional telephone transmission ATM-2525 Mbps over twisted-pair copper wire T3 Carrier Mbps using conventional telephone transmission OC- 1SONET51 Mbps transmission over optical fiber OC- 3 SONET155 Mbps transmission over optical fiber OC- 12 SONET622 Mbps transmission over optical fiber OC- 48 SONET2.4 Gbps transmission over optical fiber
Apple Talk: Definition: Networking architecture Built into every Macintosh computer Introduced in 1983 Types of AppleTalk: LocalTalk EtherTalk and TokenTalk Appleshare Zones
ARCNET: Definition: Widely-installed local area network Managing line sharing among the workstations ARC net Environment: Classified as a local area network or LAN Introduced as an office automation LAN by Data point Corporation
How ARC net works:- ArcNet uses a token-passing access method Star-bus topology passing data at 2.5 Mbps Supports data transmission rates of 20 Mbps ArcNet is a token-passing architecture