SUFFRAGE Senaca Falls Convention (1848) Demonstrations Organized movement States in the west granted women the franchise Nineteenth Amendment (1920) No one denied vote based on gender Little political difference Large-scale female employment (WWII)
SUPREME COURT Gender-based classifications (1970s) Reasonableness standards Prohibited Age of adulthood Height/weight employment requirements Mandatory pregnancy leaves Athletics Retirement benefits Allowed Statutory rape All-gender public schools Widow property tax exemption Military
SEXUAL HARASSMENT Quid pro quo Sexual favors required as a condition of work Employers are strictly liable Hostile environment Setting in which ability to work is impaired Employers liable if negligent Court standard not clear School and city examples
PRIVACY AND SEX Police powers – state regulatory function Abortion decided state by state Zone of privacy Not mentioned in Constitution Inferred from Bill of Rights Roe v. Wade Demonstrations Constitutional amendment Hyde amendment Webster Casey Restrictions
AFFIRMATIVE ACTION Equality of Results Equality of Opportunity Courts Divided partisan issue Bakke - No numerical quotas but race can be considered Pena – race classification Gratz – overturned “bonus points” Grutter – upheld the “plus factor”
SOLUTIONS Quotas Compelling state interest Correct patterns of discrimination Preferences Voluntary preferences easier to justify Not likely to apply to persons who are laid off Compensatory action Public support Similar to political culture Support for individuals Support for needy
GAYS AND THE CONSTITUTION State decision Bowers (1986) – upheld ban homosexual activity; protect family, marriage, procreation Romer (1996) – struck down state amendment to make it illegal to protect persons based on sexual orientation Lawrence (2003) – overturned law to ban sexual conduct between people of the same sex Private groups still allowed to exclude homosexuals Boy Scouts
DEFINITION OF MARRIAGE DOMA (1996) One man/one woman, not state has to recognize same-sex marriages from another state MA Supreme Court (2003) Ruled in favor of same-sex marriages Debated in legislature San Francisco (2006) Mayor issued licenses against state law State Supreme Court, Prop 8 (2008)
COMPARE AND CONTRAST Discern between: African American Civil Rights Women’s Liberation Immigration Policy Gay Movement Compare Marriage/Civil Union Fetus/Baby