Green Partnerships Kick-off meeting Follow up JTS MED Programme cofinancé par le Fonds Européen de Développement Régional Programme co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund
Introduction JTS objective is to accompany the project in order to: -facilitate its implementation -meet the objectives of the Project and the objectives of the Programme -ensure a high level of quality, with a result-oriented approach -maximise the impact on the target groups and the territories -ensure capitalisation and durability
Table of contents 1.Attendance at project Events 2.Attendance at Programme capitalisation events 3.Capitalisation of experience 4.Communication strategy 5.Document requirements
Attendance at and participation in project Events Inform JTS (bilateral meetis if necessary) Plan ahead Proposals / orientations in the design of deliverables and the preparation of major events
Attendance at Programme capitalisation events Capitalisation process of Programme Clusterisation and grouping of projects / support in clusterisation / capitalisation activities and organisation of thematic inter-projects events
Capitalisation of experience From on-going and former projects : link with other projects / synergies that could also be triggered through communication common project (see next slide) Invite to events Communicate dates to JTS for publication / Use Programme tools for Project dissemination (website, social networks, library)
Communication strategy Communication plan to be drafted within 6 months and submitted to JTS advice / communication handbook Strategy = linked to objectives, tailored for targeted public, evaluation, etc. Statistics website Stakeholders and target-public identification Publishable updates « state of the art », « latest activities », « next steps », etc. Transversal activity/component Website expectations: EN /FR Style / vulgarisation Links to social networks Link to Eu Info Regio and Programme website Link to other projects: possible common activities
Document requirements Database deliverables.xls file All deliverables Deliverables to be published in library Information and publicity rules: From EU/programme (see fact sheet) For proper follow up of realisations Cover page Locating actions Collecting data on stakeholders and targeted-public
Thank you for your attention!! Joint Technical Secretariat MED PROGRAMME