DAY 1 Norms
During class, people will do their best work by…. During class, people will make me feel respected by… Choose a Norm to commit to during class today. Persevering (not giving up) Staying focused Being prepared Participating Having one person speak at a time Listening to understand Being considerate Using good manners Having an open mind Norms
DAY 1 Sponge
What is your favorite drink?
DAY 1 Demo
DAY 1 Pair Share Activity
Coke vs. Diet Coke What do you observe? Compare and Contrast the two liquids
Pair Share-Part I Person A shares his/her thoughts and ideas for 30 seconds. Person B listens and does not interrupt. After the Person A speaks, Person B will share (30 seconds) what he/she heard by stating…. – This is what I heard you say….
Pair Share-Part II Person B shares his/her thoughts and ideas for 30 seconds Person A listens and does not interrupt. After Person B speaks, A will share (30 seconds) what he/she heard by stating…. – This is what I heard you say….
Coke vs. Diet Coke What will happen if the coke and diet coke cans are placed in water?
Lesson Plan Coke Diet Coke Lesson Plan
Define Density. Density is mass per unit volume. Mass is the amount of matter in an object Volume is the amount of space an object takes up Density is defined as the amount of matter it has in a given space.
Density Equation D = m V Where D = density m = mass V = volume
Density Equation Practice Problem A small apple has a mass of 100 grams and has a volume of 200 cubic centimeters. What is the density of the apple?
Step 1: Write the equation for Density. D= m V Step 2: What do the variables represent? m = _______ V = _______ Step 3: Replace the variables with the numerical values D= m D = V Step 4: Work It Out! Solve the Problem ( Hint: Bottom out Top in) Step 5: Answer Density = _______________
Step 1: Write the equation for Density. D= m V Step 2: What do the variables represent? m = 100 grams V = 200 cubic centimeters. Step 3: Replace the variables with the numerical values D= m D = 100 grams V 200 cubic centimeters Step 4: Work It Out! Solve the Problem (Hint: Bottom out Top in) 200cm g Step 5: Answer Density = _______________
Exit Slip On the left page opposite the Density Cornell Notes, choose one of the following: Output #5, #10 (Coke Diet Coke Demo), #12.
DAY 1 Independent Practice
Density Notes Write 2 questions on the left hand side of the Density Cornell notes. Summary 3 sentence summary Sentence starter In these notes on density……
During class, people will do their best work by…. During class, people will make me feel respected by… Choose a Norm to commit to during class today. Persevering (not giving up) Staying focused Being prepared Participating Having one person speak at a time Listening to understand Being considerate Using good manners Having an open mind Norms
DAY 2 Sponge
An object has a density of 0.95 grams per cubic centimeter. Based on the table at the left, in which liquid will the object sink? A.corn syrup B.glycerin C.water D.corn oil
Step 1: Write the equation for Density. D= m V Step 2: What do the variables represent? m = _______ V = _______ Step 3: Replace the variables with the numerical values D= m D = V Step 4: Work It Out! Solve the Problem ( Hint: Bottom out Top in) Step 5: Answer Density = _______________
Materials 1 paper 1 pencil/pen
Person A Person B Reads Question Aloud No writing Use the 5 step method Start with step 1 Solve Give Answer Aloud for step 1 Ask Permission To write answer “May I write the answer?” Thank Partner “Thank you for your help!” Continue Solving Steps 2-5 using the Rally Coach Method until the problem is solved. Watches, listens Coaches “Almost” “Close” “It starts with…” Praises “Nice job” “Great” RALLY COACH
Post during Rally Coach Step 1: Write the equation for Density. D= m V Step 2: What do the variables represent? m = _______ V = _______ Step 3: Replace the variables with the numerical values D= m D = V Step 4: Work It Out! Solve the Problem (Hint: Bottom out Top in) Step 5: Answer Density = _______________
Table 1 Calculate the density of a material that has a mass of 58.5 g and a volume of 13 cm 3
Table 2 A student finds a rock on the way to school. In the laboratory he determines that the volume of the rock is 22 cm 3, and the mass is 77 g. What is the density of the rock?
Table 3 If 30 g of a liquid occupy a space of 72cm 3, what is the density of the liquid in g/cm 3 ?
Table 4 The volume of a certain wooden block is 63 cm 3. The mass is 10 g. Find the density.
Table 5 1. The mass of a toy spoon is 15.3 grams, and its volume is 3.0 ml. What is the density of the toy spoon?
DAY 2 Independent practice
Density Equation Worksheet Solve all problems using the 5 step method
During class, people will do their best work by…. During class, people will make me feel respected by… Choose a Norm to commit to during class today. Persevering (not giving up) Staying focused Being prepared Participating Having one person speak at a time Listening to understand Being considerate Using good manners Having an open mind Norms
DAY 3 Sponge
Make a prediction! What will happen to an ice cube if placed in liquid water? What will happen to an ice cube if placed in liquid ethanol?
Buoyancy Explorer Virtual Experiment Liquids Bromine, honey water, olive oil, ethanol, corn syrup, sea water mercury, water Materials Balsa, ebony, oak, pine, marble, granite, aluminum, gold, iron, ice, tar, butter
Block Lab Compare and Contrast 2 blocks located in the plastic bins on table. Numbered heads together After answering the question groups of 4 put their “heads together” to ensure all members can answer. The teacher then calls a number (1-6) and the group with that number shares their answers.
CHOCOLATE BAR DENSITY LAB Scientific Investigation
Chocolate Bar Density Lab Glue into INB after graded
DAY 3 Independent practice
Independent Practice I Finish Chocolate Bar Lab
Independent Practice II #9 Write your own Density Problem and Solve. Have a parent, family member or friend solve your problem. Have them sign it. HAVE FUN!