Language Implementation Methods David Woolbright
Interpretation Interpretation occurs when the code that represents a program is read and causes an action or change in state of the executing machine. Interpretation can occur in hardware or software
Implementation of Languages There are three general methods for implementing a language Method 1: Compilation – The source program is translated into machine code (0’s and 1’s) which is interpreted by hardware - Slow translation - Fast execution
Compilation Process (Sebesta Diagram)
Pure Interpretation Method 2: Pure Interpretation – The source code is unchanged. An interpreter program executes reading your source as data to determine how to “execute” your program -Slow execution -Very flexible
Pure Interpretation (Sebesta Diagram)
Hybrid System Method 3: Hybrid System - The source code is partially translated to an intermediate format. This intermediate code is input to an interpreter. –Small translation cost –Medium execution speed
Hybrid System (Sebesta Diagram) - Small translation cost - Medium execution speed