Plate Tectonics Chapter 9.2 – 9.3
Plate Tectonics Proposed in 1965 by Tuzo Wilson = combination of Wegener & Hess’s ideas. Convection Currents move the lithospheric plates causing geologic activity – (mountain building, volcanic eruptions and earthquakes)
Convection Currents The magma in the lower mantle is warmer. It expands, becomes less dense and rises. When it reaches the upper mantle it cools, contracts, becoming more dense and sinks. This constant rise and fall of magma causes the convection currents that drive plate tectonics. The crust plates ride along on top of these convection currents. Upper Mantle - COOLER Lower Mantle - HOTTER
Earth Layers 1. Lithosphere: the ridged crust and upper part of the mantle. Cool, hard and solid Breaks very easily 2. Asthenosphere: the lower mantle Hot and plastic-like Flows easily
The lithosphere is broken up into 7 large plates and 20 smaller plates
The plates have boundaries As they move they affect one another. Convergent Boundary Divergent Boundary Transform Boundary
Plate Tectonics Reference Table You need to know how to read this table!!
Pacific Plate – Where the Action is! RING OF FIRE!!
Hawaii Hawaii is a chain of islands made from an underwater volcano. Yet Hawaii is NOT on a plate boundary. How was Hawaii created?
Hawaiian Hot Spot Hawaii is in the middle of the Pacific Plate Not on a boundary.
Magma Rises under Hawaii Hot spot is located in the mantle and does not move The Pacific Plate moves NW over the hot spot forming a line of volcanoes.
Plate Boundaries!! Divergent Convergent Transform
Divergent Boundary When Plates Divide or Separate
Step 1 – Rift Valley Magma pushes up cracks in the crust Convection causes the separated plates to move and form a rift valley.
Step 2 – Add Water The valley widens and begins to be filled with water. (Red Sea)
Step 3 – Ocean Formed Eventually an ocean forms At the rate of 6 cm per year Ex. Mid Atlantic Ridge
Divergent Boundaries Map
Transform Boundary Two Plates slide past each other Also called strike-slip boundary Example: San Andreas Fault in California
San Andreas Fault The Pacific Plate moves North The North American Plate moves South
San Andreas Fault Causes stress that leads to Earthquakes in California
Convergent Boundaries 2 Plates colliding into each other. Example: Himalayan Mountains formed when India collided with Asia
We will Continue these notes tomorrow We will Continue these notes tomorrow!!! There is a lot to know about Convergent Boundaries!