CEO Report Board Meeting LEO Meeting
COWIB Financials 2/28/15BudgetActualPercentage Administration$246,000.00$186, % Board Program$800,000.00$441, % Service Provision $1,655,000.00$1,042, % Direct Client Cost $2,277,588.00$974, % System Cost$613,155.00$349, %
WIA Performance Adult/DLWPlannedActual Intensive Services Received a Skill Development Occupational Training STEM Training Employed after Services
WIA Performance YouthPlannedActual Enrollments Occupational Training Earning Educational Credential 9182 Employment/Education Literacy/Numeracy Gain STEM Training6274 Study Skills150 Smart Work Ethics182175
Working Projects Working with Department of Human Services, Metro Technology Center to compete for a grant to establish a best practice for working with foster youth. Have promised to request an Americorps volunteer to work with the population Will be stressing joint case management and how to provide wrap around services Approximately 80 foster youth in OKCPS
Working Projects Oklahoma Department of Commerce Monitors on-site for the PY14 review. Comprehensive review includes financial as well as all phases of programmatic activities. Non resolution of the National Emergency Grant review by the U.S. Department of Labor.
Working Projects Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act Notice of Proposed Rule Making (NPRM) is out and comments will be received until June 15. Reviewing the Regulations and will post comments. Working with other areas to address common concerns in the proposed regulations.
Working Projects Still working on our Youth Incentive grant which involves promoting STEM related training to minority females. College Ready Program at OSU/OKC which is designed to be held for six week with 40 youth. Simulated Internship programs at OCCC for 30 participants College Tuition for 15 young women.
Working Projects National Association of Workforce Boards (NAWB) annual forum in Washington D.C. Attended by 5 Board members, 3 Local Elected Officials, Youth Council Chair and 4 staff. 5 of spend one afternoon visiting our Congressional offices and staff. Largest crowd to attend and several very good sessions.