Welcome to Year 3 Class 3F
Welcome Miss Figg- Falcons
Routines and Independence Letters….check bags daily. Trips to the toilet!
Curriculum Our curriculum is based on the National Curriculum. It is about creative teaching and making links in learning. We plan for children to deepen their understanding and master the curriculum relevant to their year group.
Long Term Plan (school website, statutory information)
Current Theme and Books used Light and Dark - Fairy stories (also alternative versions)
Maths Mastery We plan for children to deepen their understanding and master the maths curriculum. It is essential that children entering year 3 know number bonds within 20. They also need to know their 2,5 and 10 times tables and the related division facts. The children were following the Maths Mastery programme in year 2 and will be following the same programme throughout the Junior School.
Spelling We follow the National Curriculum spelling guidelines. All the children have been assessed and given an appropriate set of words to work on for this term. Look out for your child’s words in their class home learning book. In class we learn spelling patterns and rules, and aim to widen children’s vocabulary. See Spell Excel information on FJS website.
Handwriting Handwriting and presentation is a school focus this year. We would encourage you to work with your child on their handwriting and presentation in their home learning. Pen Licence rules are displayed in class. When a pen licence is awarded, school will provide a pen, and children are then allowed to bring in a blue fibre tip pen from home.
Reading Children are expected to read for at least 10 minutes each day. We have assessed the children and allocated the relevant book band. The children will bring a book home each day. The children all have reading diaries. (Comments and activities)
Library (Friday) Free choice of book.
Home Learning Weekly home learning. Two books are provided for this: general, including talk home learning; maths. Reading – at least 10 minutes daily. Reading diary (comment and activities) Times tables and number bonds to 10 and 20
PE and Swimming PE KIT Kit needs to fit! Please check plimsolls/trainers. Winter kit Kit needs naming! Kit needs to be IN SCHOOL!(Monday and Wednesday) Hair tied back! Jewellery Regulation PE bags are essential as we are short of space on pegs and for H&S.
School Uniform Pale blue shirt Grey trousers or skirts Navy sweatshirt Black shoes No jewellery other than watches and stud earrings Make sure bags are not too big or heavy to carry!
Other optional equipment Pencil case (not too big!) Art shirt Water bottle (recommended) Please can these all be named!
Targeted Support Class groupings Children with specific needs may be put into an intervention group for a short time. Children with a diagnosis receive SEN support. (For more information, see the school website under ‘learning’)
Reward Systems Marbles – class reward Individual sticker charts
School Dinners Pupil choice menu system 3 options: –Vegetarian cooked meal (green) –Cooked meal (red) –Packed lunch (yellow) Coloured stickers MENU ON WEBSITE – it’s a good idea to discuss the menu so that children come to school ready to choose their meal.
Packed Lunches Packed lunch—named box Boxes need to be placed in the class tub No fizzy drinks or sweets Morning snacks – fruit or vegetables only. Pack any snacks separately in their school bag.
Lunchtimes Rota each week for order of eating Packed lunches and school dinner children can eat together There are lots of lunchtime activities to take part in
Parent Helpers Reading Maths – times tables, number bonds Trips and workshops
Parent Rep for class ??
Communication 3:30 in pencil playground. A note in the home learning book.