My personal research journey Will Flavell Head of Māori Studies Rutherford College.


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Presentation transcript:

My personal research journey Will Flavell Head of Māori Studies Rutherford College

Whakapapa ▪ Ko Ngā Puhi, Ko Ngāti Maniapoto ngā iwi. ▪ Ko Ngāti Kahu ki Torongare, Ko Ngāti Pare ngā hapu. ▪ Ko Manaia, Ko Rangitoto ngā maunga. ▪ Ko Ngararatunua, ko Te Ahoroa ngā marae ▪ Ko Pohe, Ko Rereahu ngā rangatira. ▪ Ko Wiremu Flavell toku ingoa.

Ngā tohu ▪ Bachelor of Arts / Bachelor of Teaching (Japanese major). ▪ Post Graduate Diploma Education (Māori Education) ▪ Master of Education (E Toru Ngā Reo: A Case Study of a Spanish Language Programme in a Kura Kaupapa Māori) ▪ Doctor of Education

Ngā mahi

Ngā Kōrero whakahihiko Mason Durie: -To live as Māori -To actively participate as citizens of the world -To enjoy good health, and a high standard of living Kingi Tāwhiao: Tērā anō ōku nei hoa, kei ngā topito e wha o te ao (“My friends come from all four corners of the world”)

Te Wāhi rangahau ▪ Kura Kaupapa Māori ▪ Years 1 – 13 ▪ Decile 4 ▪ 197 students ▪ 18 teachers (general and specialist staff)

Te whakanaketanga o te reo Paniora ▪ Initiated by the curiosity of a parent ▪ Discussed at a whanau hui ▪ Developed by the school principal ▪ Teachers sent to intensive Spanish language courses ▪ Metalinguistic skills

Te hōtaka o te reo Paniora ▪ Compulsory subject ▪ Junior school – 2 hours per week ▪ Senior school – four hours per week (immersion) ▪ Four Spanish language teachers/assistants ▪ Year 10 Maths class in Spanish

Te haerenga ki Tāwahi ▪ Integral feature of the Spanish language programme ▪ Senior school 3 month exchange ▪ A week preparation in America. ▪ Intensive Spanish language course in Oaxaca ▪ $8000 per student

Ngā rauemi ▪ Principal has translated Spanish textbooks ▪ Interface between te reo Māori and Spanish ▪ NCEA specifications ▪ Massive opportunities for technological based learning.

Ngā waiaro Teachers There are two languages of this land and it would be exceptional that they leave with a further language. A progressive step forward Parents Since the arrival of Pākehā to this country, New Zealand has had a monolinguistic view of the world Our world is so global these days, having another language is adding another feather to your bow Students Learning Spanish has given me the opportunity to go to Chile, it’s another language for me to learn and grow from Once you learn Spanish, it’s easier to learn more languages.

Ngā painga Teachers Opportunities in tourism, trade and business opportunities Help challenge the assumptions that they have about themselves Children who are bilingual should be open to a third and a fourth language Parents Learning an additional language will allow the student to see further than just New Zealand Learning Spanish helps build confidence, creates a more global person…and that Spanish is a widely spoken and practical language Students Learning Spanish helped develop a better world view It helped with learning other subjects like History so it helps broaden your view

Ngā matapakinga ▪ Whānau Involvement ▪ Leadership ▪ Native Language Teachers ▪ International Excursions ▪ Resources ▪ Positive Attitudes

Doctor of Education Programme ▪ Otago University ▪ Cohort of Educators ▪ First year assignment based ▪ One week on campus ▪ Online forum discussions

Non-Māori secondary school students of te reo Māori ▪ Contribution to revitalisation of te reo Māori ▪ Create positive community attitudes ▪ Four percent of non-Maori secondary school students are learning te reo Maori ▪ Ten percent of te reo Māori learners are tauiwi at Rutherford College ▪ Predominantly in Year 9 cohort

Kōrero whakamutunga ▪ ぼくのしょうらいのゆめはニュージーランドでさ いしょのマオリ人のしゅしょうになることです。 ニュージーランドのわかい人達のもはんになり たいし、たばこをすったり、おさけを飲むことは 体にわるいことを教えたいと思います。 お金持 ちになって、母に海のそばのマンションを買って あげたいです。今のところ、ゴールはマオリ語と 日本語がぺらぺらになって、オタゴ大学をそつ ぎょうすることです