27 November 2007Europe Direct Bornholm Telling the story Experiences in communicating EU Cohesion Policy on Bornholm (DK) By Niels Chresten Andersen Head.


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Presentation transcript:

27 November 2007Europe Direct Bornholm Telling the story Experiences in communicating EU Cohesion Policy on Bornholm (DK) By Niels Chresten Andersen Head of Europe Direct Bornholm

27 November 2007Europe Direct Bornholm Bornholm inhabitants More than visitors annually 29 local community organisations Great natural, cultural and culinary heritage Central location in the Baltic Sea Region

27 November 2007Europe Direct Bornholm Challenges…. Accessibility Island, rural and peripheral Population Depopulation since 1980 Growing lack of young people Business Agriculture, fishing and tourism the dominant industries A business structure based on micro enterprises Low educational and income levels 3-5 MEUR per year from Structural Funds invested in Better infrastructure More qualified labour force New higher educational offers Innovation and SME development Modernised and diversified agriculture, fishing and food industry Tourism development International cooperation Structural Funds

27 November 2007Europe Direct Bornholm Cohesion Policy = to meet the needs of tourists, feeling a call of nature? Raising awareness among potential beneficiaries – yes! BUT also Explaining and improve understanding among the citizens in general

27 November 2007Europe Direct Bornholm The mental barriers  EU is trying to buy our support!  Only bad businessmen need EU grants – good businessmen not!  Why cannot all get grants from EU?  Why first send money to Brussels, and then get them back again?  The ”EU language”, not for ordinary people...? From EU to you!

27 November 2007Europe Direct Bornholm Explaining Cohesion Policy Links to the Single Market and the EMU Cohesion Policy allows all parts of EU and all groups to get advantage of the EU cooperation The basic principles Concentration Partnership and subsidiarity Additionality Multiannual programmes Sustainability Equal opportunities

27 November 2007Europe Direct Bornholm Homepage Electronical newsletter issues per year Media contacts Publications and videos Annual fairs Monthly Europa Café Conferences Documentation centre Q&A service, first stop Guest teaching Training and exchange TA and partner search Networking Cross border cooperation Turning EU information into local action Key word: Proactive!

27 November 2007Europe Direct Bornholm Local organisation and partners : Rural Carrefour relay ?: Europe Direct relay Hosted by the Growth & Regional Development Unit, dealing with structural fund programmes, EU Growth & Jobs Strategy, Traffic, Education and Culture. Close cooperation with EC Representation, economic and social partners on Bornholm, media, libraries and schools etc.

27 November 2007Europe Direct Bornholm Experiences… Cohesion Policy must be understood Not only as money available for someone The most effective communication is proactive and local based Stories related to local situation and effects Easier access to the local media, and to follow up Easier to reach schools and potential beneficiaries Easier to connect information relays with structural fund management and other key actors in relation to the Cohesion Policy (communicating teams)

27 November 2007Europe Direct Bornholm Thank you for listening! Niels Chresten Andersen Europe Direct Bornholm Ullasvej 23, DK-3700 Rønne Tel: