Library Field Study #2 Shannon Mayhew, Lisa Venker, Katie Heer, Angelica Grant
Planning and Collaboration Sign up book Most collaboration with reading teachers With Destiny, Joyce can now teach Lexiles All Language Arts classes come in for research
Curriculum and Resources Does not have a formal curriculum Relies on curricula from other discipline Uses the Research Models supplied by the Office of Library Information Services
Students and Teacher Perceptions PHMS students see the LMS as a teacher Sometimes other teachers are surprised that an LMS makes the same amount as classroom teachers.
Databases and Instruction Fee-based databases are emphasized due to their credibility Students learn that fee-based content is more authoritative compared to Internet sites such as Wikipedia Teachers encourage students to use databases when they require multiple sources
Dewey Skills (Secondary Level) Kids are not coming to PHMS with Dewey skills as in previous years LMS uses Destiny to help introduce kids to the catalog and Dewey
Organization Skills Taught to Staff Any computer use, with help of technology committee Research use Materials available Retrieval Rack System (video/CD) Use of copy machines use Fee-Based Data Bases
Most Important Skills taught to Staff Planning ahead Think of their students work of the process, not just end result Reflect on their use of Library Media Center
Organization Skills Taught to Students Library skills Dewey Decimal System Fee-based Data Bases Reliable/Non-Reliable resources Uses for Library Books Use of Sources Reading Class Lessons Use of Destiny Use of Lexiles Science Research English Research Project
Most Important Skills Taught to Students How library is organized Taking notes Identify gaps in the process Following research model Self assessing through process Teaching the catalog, Lexiles
Ordering, Receiving, and Prepping Materials LMS has total control over ordering (Follett, Borders, Costco) 2 positive reviews required for each book ordered Books sent to PHMS Records sent to OLIS sent to PHMS when records have been updated PHMS processing includes adding Dewey spine label, PHMS and price label, barcode and date stickers, year, book number, and glue pocket. Union Catalog is on its way!
Rewards of being an LMS: Working with everyone and all disciplines Watching students grow and learn from 6 th – 8 th grade Teaching reading and research Booktalking! Working with books and technology
Duties during MSA: Gives MSA when teachers are absent Assists new teachers with the MSA During the Science MSA, our LMS is in the room with the students and is on call to help with any technical issues
Responsibilities Other LMS Might Not Have: Media Retrieval Rack 12 VCRs 1 DVD/VCR Operated from classroom telephones LMS troubleshoots Clears numbers Keeps log Inventories equipment Calls for repairs Manually operates when remote access is not working
Downsides of LMS position: Giving out supplies No test to measure student library skills (“You measure what you treasure!”) Difficult to select appropriate materials for middle schoolers No scheduled planning mods More “stuff” to manage every year Technology: Great when it’s working! (a challenge when it’s not.)
Hispanic and Bilingual Collections in BCPS: Dumbarton Middle School has a bilingual collection Perry Hall Middle School does not carry books in the Spanish language As the need increases at PHMS, books will be purchased in the Spanish language