Snohomish County Planning Commission Briefing August 26,
2 Capital Improvement Program Financial Summary - Detail Statement of Assessment Necessary to Support Development Roads/Transportation Parks Surface Water Management Water Sewer/Wastewater Schools Electric Power Capital Project Needs County Budget General Policy Plan - Capital Facilities Element Capital Facilities Plan Inventory Forecast General Policy Plan - Capital Facilities Element Capital Facilities Plan Inventory Forecast Comprehensive Plan
Capital Projects Rolling six-year program Implements CFP on an annual basis Identifies individual projects Costs Funding – Revenue and Expenditure Includes SOA – Evaluates GMA criteria 3
Planning Commission may recommend adoption of the CIP to Council if: Public facilities and agencies will maintain or exceed a minimum level of service (LOS) The County and other agencies have demonstrated projected revenues are adequate to fund the planned capital facilities Development will not occur unless there are adequate public facilities to maintain minimum LOS 4
Item Preface Section I: Introduction and Background Section II: Financing Strategies Section III: CIP Project Summary Section IV: Statement of Assessment on GMA Goal 12 Section V: Detail Departmental Capital Improvement Program Section VI: Text of Statements of Assessment Section VII: Minimum Level of Service Reports 5
Presented at Planning Commission Briefing Summary financial information: Exhibit 4 – Capital Expenditures by Category & Type Exhibit 5 – Capital Expenditures by Revenue Source Exhibit 6 – Historical CIP Expenditures by Category 6
Presented at Planning Commission Public Hearing Detailed Financial Information: Exhibit 7 – Real Estate Tax Project List Exhibit 8 – Departmental Capital Improvement Program List Detailed Project Information: Section V – Departmental Capital Improvement Program Detail 10
Growth Management Hearings Board decision Status in provision of facilities/services Compares minimum LOS established in the 2005 CFP to current LOS Evaluation - Determines if reassessment is required 11
Is there sufficient funding to complete projects/commitments for capital facilities “necessary to support development” over the next six years? Are minimum levels of service being met for capital facilities that are “necessary to support development?” Are regulatory measures in place that reasonably ensure development will not occur without public facilities available to meet minimum levels of service? If answer is no - Reassessment process must be considered Reassessment 2015 Comp Plan Update 12
Identified in GMA or 2005 CFP as “necessary to support development” Roads/Transportation Parks Facilities Surface Water Management Facilities Schools Electric Power Infrastructure Water Supply Infrastructure Sewer/Wastewater Infrastructure 13
Defined in the Transportation Element Chapter of adopted GMACP LOS standard is vehicular-based — travel speed Concurrency Management System — monitors LOS on arterials 14
No arterial units in arrears No forecasted LOS problems in the six- year planning period Funding is adequate to maintain LOS standards 15
Parks current LOS key findings: Minimum LOS for community parks, land and facilities are being met There are no deficiencies in community parks projected over the next six years Parks Category Current LOSMinimum LOS Community– Land 1 park per 4,272 additional residents One additional Community park (land) per 21,000 additional residents Community– Facilities 1 new facility per 18,657 residents One new fully developed Community (facility) for every 28,500 in population 16
Each school district establishes its own LOS in separate capital facility plans Monroe School District meets minimum LOS for all grade levels Lake Stevens School District meets minimum LOS for middle and high school grades 6-Year funding viability is established in school district CIPs No reassessment is required based on current information 17
Wastewater service standards are determined by the State Department of Ecology 6 - Year funding viability is established in their own CIPs Remedial work in the North Creek Interceptor and Swamp Creek areas is underway and should be completed by
Water Supply service standards are determined by the State Dept. of Health 6 - Year funding viability is established in their own CIPs No reassessment is required based on current information 19
Minimum Level of Investment = $8.35 M to maintain services to Snohomish County residents Current Level of Investment = $71.7 M No reassessment is required based on current information 20
Minimum Level of Investment = $790.2M to maintain services to Snohomish County residents Current Level of Investment = $790.2M No reassessment is required based on current information 21
Sufficient funding is reasonably expected to meet the need identified in GMA Goal 12, based upon: No capital facilities are projected to experience shortfalls in funding between 2015 and 2020 Projected resources are reasonable to fund public facilities needed to meet minimum LOS standards Regulatory measures are in place that reasonably ensure development will not occur if LOS standards are not met No immediate reassessment actions are required or recommended at this time 22
County charter requires Planning Commission review the Draft CIP and conduct public hearing Hearing - September 23 Recommendation to County Council Commission provided with the following in advance of the hearing: Draft findings for consideration/adoption Detailed financial information 23
Questions? 24