+ 1:1 Technology Information Night Bear Creek Elementary March 27, 2014
+ What is 1:1? ■1:1 means 1 iPad to 1 student ■Students will have an iPad that is assigned to them on the first day of school ■iPad will travel with the student during the day and will stay in the teacher’s classroom each evening 1:1 CHAMP S
+ Acceptable Use Policy At all times, the legal title to the iPad is maintained by Grapevine-Colleyville ISD. Your right of possession and use is limited to and conditioned upon your full and complete compliance with the Agreement and the GCISD Student Technology Acceptable Use Policy, which is available on the web site of Bear Creek Elementary School and the GCISD website. The AUP is included with all beginning of the year forms in InfoSnap.
+ Connecting to GCISD’s Strategic Plan LEAD 2021 III. Curriculum Strategy: We will transform from a teaching platform to a learning platform by designing engaging, differentiated, work for students toward the accomplishment of the GCISD mission and strategic objectives. VI. Technology Strategy: We will integrate technology, including student mobile wireless computing devices, into every aspect of the student academic experience to accomplish the GCISD mission and strategic objectives.
+ Portrait of a Graduate Skilled problem solvers Effective communicators Collaborative workers Global citizens Self-regulated learners
+ iPads in Education Through the use of technology: Teachers have unlimited ways of integrating content, skills, and assessment into meaningful and engaging experiences for students. “Screen time” is for educational purposes Students have options in demonstrating their understanding and abilities through creation and productivity apps
+ It’s About Creation and Productivity ●Screenrecording Apps ●Formative Assessment Apps ●Communication tools ●Presentatio n Apps ●Collaboration Tools ●Book Creator Apps
+ Our Journey Fall 2011-Spring 2014 BCE teachers applied and received at least one digital classroom(s) on 1st - 5th grade level. Teachers received ongoing training and support. Spring 2014 BCE was approved to be a 1:1 school for the school year. Teachers and staff began implementation of technology training Training includes: GCISD Technology beliefs, Texas Technology Application Standards (TEKS), Digital Citizenship, Google Drive, Edmodo, Twitter, and Blogging
+ Student Expectations Follow the “Responsible Use Guidelines” for technology for GCISD Follow classroom rules for the iPad set up by classroom teachers Only use apps and programs that are allowed and for which permission from teachers/parents has been received Handle iPads carefully and respectfully Follow “Digital Citizenship” rules All students will participate in Student Orientations at school and must earn their Digital Driver’s License before they are allowed to use iPad.
+ Teacher’s Role ■Facilitating high quality, rigorous instruction that seamlessly integrates technology ■Teaching of Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills (TEKS) and the Technology Application TEKS ■Providing students with opportunities for collaboration ■Modeling and Teaching Digital Citizenship ■Designing work focused on LEAD 2021 through content TEKS and SAMR ■Develop and grow their PLN (Professional Learning Network) for continual professional development
+ Parent Role Plug into your child’s class virtually through the teacher’s webpage, Twitter, and Edmodo Dialogue with your child about how they used technology during the school day Ask your child to show you some new programs and applications Ask questions!
+ Curriculum Night 2014 Information pertaining to: ■Grade level specific content standards ■Integration of technology ■Teacher/student expectations for technology ■Teacher specific information on Twitter, Edmodo, Google Docs, and website/blogging
+ FAQ Our Bear Creek website for 1:1 will be live in August! Check it out to get answers to common questions about the 1:1 iPad Initiative. Questions can also be submitted by to Brooke Moose at