Birth of Jesus Returned for a Roman census Jesus was visited by 3 kings bringing him gifts---shows power (King of Kings) Gifts were gold, frankincense, and myrrh each had symbolism
Jesus’ Teachings This scene is called the Sermon on the Mount Taught kindness to all 8 Beatitudes (similar to Buddhism and the 8 Noble Path) Example: “Blessed are the merciful for they shall receive mercy.”
The Crucifixion and Resurrection INRI (Latin : I esus·Nazarenus·Rex·Iudaeorum )= Jesus of Nazareth, King of the Jews 2 other people were crucified with Jesus; the one on the right said he believed in him; the one on the left made fun of him; in Latin the word for left is sinister The number 3 is important in Christianity
Paul (Saul) used to be a warrior who persecuted the Christians, then became a devout teacher of Christianity His missionary work will convert many to Christianity Symbolism will become important in Christianity, Paul’s symbol is the sword Missionary Work of Paul
Many Roman emperors tried to kill Christians One way was to feed them to lions Despite this persecution Christianity still spread Persecution of Christians
Jesus handing St. Peter, the first pope, the “keys to the kingdom of heaven.” The keys are symbols of St. Peter and of popes today.
Jesus Christ Jesus was raised Jewish Some thought him to be the Messiah who would deliver the Jews from oppression Jesus was against the corruption and greed of Jewish priests in his life
Christianity Spreads Paul taught Christianity to gentiles, non-Jews. Paul taught about salvation and a day of judgment His four missions spread the religion to the lower and middle class of the Roman Empire
Council of Nicea Constantine first emperor to convert to Christianity Nicene Creed---Jesus is both god and divine; stresses TRINITY; goes against Arian Christians Theodosius makes Christianity official religion of empire
Not all Christian religions believe that all the sacraments are necessary for salvation 1.Baptism 2.Confirmation 3.Eucharist—communion, transubstantiation 4.Penance—forgiveness for sins 5.Extreme unction—last rites 6.Matrimony 7.Holy Orders---becoming a priest or a nun The Seven Sacraments
Organization of the Church POPE BISHOPS LAITY PRIESTS ELECT CLERGY ELECT Give Sacraments