Many religions & truth - 1 Many religions & truth: general introduction lThe problem lThree general positions –1. Exclusivism (Borland) –2. Inclusivism.


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Presentation transcript:

Many religions & truth - 1 Many religions & truth: general introduction lThe problem lThree general positions –1. Exclusivism (Borland) –2. Inclusivism (Rahner) –C.S. Lewis: “I think that every prayer which is sincerely made even to a false God... Is accepted by the true God and that Christ saves many who do not think they know him.”

Many religions & truth - 2 Many religions & truth: general introduction –3. Pluralism (Hick)

Many religions & truth - 3 Many religions & truth:James Borland lA defense of exlusivism: James Borland –Some comparisons of Christianity with other religions åGod’s attributes åHuman nature åChristology åTheories of salvation –Conclusion: The differences are too great for reconciliation

Many religions & truth - 4 Many religions & truth:Karl Rahner lA defense of inclusivism: Karl Rahner (German Jesuit, ) –Is a tendency toward exclusivism within Christianity. Why? –Arguments for inclusivism (or even pluralism?), for regarding other religions as “lawful religions” (506) Nature of God - God desires the salvation of all persons

Many religions & truth - 5 Many religions & truth:Karl Rahner Moral reason - are many good and sincere persons outside of Christianity –All persons are touched by God and many respond. –But all non-Christian religions contain flaws & come in degrees -- some are closer to a right relationship with God than others.

Many religions & truth - 6 Many religions & truth:Karl Rahner –Those from non-Christian religions who respond to God are “anonymous Christians” (511, 512) and are living “anonymous Christianity” (513). –Problem: Why prosylatize? Being a Christian is still a “higher stage of development” (512). lComments & criticisms –The arrogance issue