Reality Check What a new generation really thinks about Christianity … and why it matters Kevin Bowman, Dave Davis, PowerPoint download,
Sheltered Current perception – Christians are boring, un-intelligent, old-fashioned and out of touch with reality Goal perception – Christians are engaged, informed and offer sophisticated responses to the issues people face year olds Unfavorable ImageOutsidersChurchgoers Boring68%27% Old-fashioned78%36% Out of touch with reality72%32% Insensitive to others70%29% Not accepting of other faiths64%39%
Recap Cultural relevancy & the need to pass the baton – The church must be able to reach today’s varied sub- cultures Our image & branding problem – Looking in, outsiders do not see everything that Christianity has to offer (salvation, community, etc.) Why this perception – We don’t understand the “real world;” we’ve reduced faith to attendance & not sinning; we’re not willing to think; we live in a bubble
A faith that doesn’t make sense The young thrive on unexpected experiences & enjoy searching for new sources of input; willing to try almost anything They grew up as one of the most “protected” generations & enjoy defying the “safe life” They resist simple answers, favor mystery, and are OK with ambiguity They enjoy spending time with those who believe differently, as a way to push & expand their opinions A faith that is not willing to address thorny issues is not useful or attractive
The “good old days” are gone Today’s youth do not lead what we’d consider to be “conventional” lifestyles – But they have no less needs; perhaps even greater The cultural environment has changed more than we can comprehend – Responding with, “Every generation faces this gap; we toughed-it out & you should too,” doesn’t acknowledge the scope of this shift – Businesses are adapting & changing; schools are, our government is. The church must also.
The Buster & Mosaic normal Non-traditional family structure (1:20 vs. 1:3) Sex: earlier, more partners, marriage not required, widespread divorce More frequently use drugs, alcohol, profanity More feel lonely, unfulfilled, & stressed-out Desperation & suicide more prevalent
A painful contrast The fact that Christianity does offer so much makes this perception hurt even more – Christianity does offer a sophisticated, livable response to the nature of the world – Christianity does offer a fulfilling, contextualized life Outsiders don’t see Christian contributions pushing culture forward through arts, literature, science, social justice, music, government, etc. – We are not meeting cultural expectations
Call to action Accepting responsibility – It is our duty to help a broken world, but it’s not easy or intuitive – The world won’t come to our doorstep, we have to embrace our task with humility & energy – God wants us in the gritty & raw places in people’s lives Not being fearful & being prepared – Do not be afraid to engage the world & all it’s rough edges; be confident & do so in love – We must be influencers; we cannot wait for or assume someone else will address the world’s doubts Not being offended & being in, not of – Being shocked by outsiders natural behavior often causes us to isolate ourselves or go on “crusades” which harm our image – The culture may be offensive, but we cannot take offense – Need both purity & proximity; living our message
Next quarter Being culturally-relevant through a worship- filled life Feedback & resources – Kevin Bowman, – Dave Davis, – PowerPoint download,