Dot matrix printed contact lenses. The first ever practical alternative to sunglasses.
Overview. To dot matrix print onto prescription and non prescription contact lenses. This would give the impression of looking through tinted lenses from the wearer thus removing the need for sun glasses. The front of the lens can then be printed with any design, stlyle, company logo or country flag. Who would wear them? Sports fans, imagine going to support your favorite team with the team logo on your eyeballs or your country flag in an international event. Sportsmen, you can't wear sunglasses while playing many contact sports such as football but you could wear contact lenses. Again showing your team logo or the logo of the sponsors. Or your country flag!
Fashion. Imagine having Prada, Gucci, Armani etc on your eyes. The ultimate fashion statement. Note- in january this year Nike and Bausch And Lomb patented tinted lenses. When their product is available and people start wearing them sunglass sales will fall and the revenue to the designer fashion houses with it. Being able to have their logo on contact lenses would (I imagine) be a very attractive proposition for them.
Party people! Going to a party? Or a rock or pop festival? Virtually any effect or design Incorporated into presciption and non prescription lens. The method of dot Printing onto glass then reprinting a design over the top is not new, however I believe that my idea of using this technology on contact lenses to create a sport/fashion/party accessory that also has the effect to the wearer of sun- glasses is. The dots per inch required to acheive the desired effect would have to be researched by a willing manufacturer although I do not believe the research and development costs would be excessive as both contact lenses or dot printing are not new, it is just a matter of combining these technologies to provide a product that could be as popular globally as the traditional sunglasses we see worn everywhere by everyone today. Created by Mark Gregory On this date 16 th May Printed signed and witnessed by Lawyer Alvaro Thoel on 19 th May 2009 Grahics by Angie Hill Contact Telephone