Mrs. Kinney English 11
15 note cards 3-5 source cards 2-4 page paper (following the basic 5 paragraph essay format and adding cited sources) Title page Outline Works Cited Page
Feb. 5 and 6: receive information on assignment and pick topic/claim Feb. 7 and 8: Computer lab to find sources (must leave with at least 3 sources by end of class on Friday) Feb. 11 and 12: work on highlighting sources and making note cards. Note cards due at end of class on Tuesday.
Feb. 13: Claim/thesis statement due Feb. 14 and 15: Work on organizing paper and outline. Outline must be turned in by Friday, Feb. 15. Feb : Work on writing rough draft. Written rough draft to be checked off by end of class on the 19 th. Feb. 21: Typed rough draft due with title page, outline, and works cited page TBA: Due date for typed final draft