Moving Towards Conflict Communism Domino Theory N. Vietnam – Communist S. Vietnam
Moving Towards Conflict HHo Chi Minh
U.S. Steps In NNgo Dinh Diem VVietcong – Communist opposition group HHo Chi Minh Trail PP.733
President Johnson’s Decision Tonkin Gulf Resolution – August 7 –Congress gives Johnson broad military power
Leaders of U.S. President Johnson Robert McNamara – Secretary of Defense Dean Rusk – Secretary of State William Westmoreland – American Commander
Fighting in the Jungle Vietcong – jungle terrain, hit-and-run, and ambush tactics was all to their advantage They also had Tunnels
Fighting in the Jungle
U.S. planes dropped napalm Agent Orange Often wounded civilians and later Agent Orange was blame for cancer in U.S. veterans of Vietnam
Fighting in the Jungle Tet Offensive 1968 – Attack on S. Vietnam/U.S. P.749
Fighting in the Jungle UU.S. soldiers conducted search-and-destroy missions, uprooting civilians with suspected ties to the Vietcong, killing their livestock, and burning villages
Prisoners of War 400,000 imprisoned
War at Home Became America’s first “living-room war” Soldiers turned to alcohol, marijuana, and other drugs
War at Home Draft – all males had to register with their local draft board when they turned 18 10,000 women served most being nurses
War at Home April of 1965 march of 20,000 protested in Wash., D.C. Doves – strongly opposed the war Hawks – felt America should unleash military force to win
War at Home MLK Jr. died on April 4 th, was shot Robert Kennedy – was assassinated June 5 th by Sirhan Sirhan in a hotel kitchen
End of the War Vietnamization – gradual withdrawal of U.S. troops in order for the South to take more of an active role
End of the War March of 1972 North Vietnamese launched biggest attack since Tet Offensive Americans have final push in Dec. of 1972 dropping 100,000 bombs
End of the War March 29, 1973 – last U.S. combat troops left for home. Vietnam War had ended
Legacy of the War New period of violence and chaos in Southeast Asia A controversial war in which the U.S. lost