Game Programming Step-13 Learn to Load model gun into Game
Purpose Step 13 Learn to Load model gun into Game Learn to Lock model gun to camera
Create Folder “GUN” in Step-13
Keep file “G6.x” in folder “GUN”
Write Command in line
GUN=201 This command define variable name GUN And assign value to 201 Is not unique in the system.
LOAD OBJECT This command loads a model into the specified 3D object number. You must specify a model in the X, 3DS, MDL, MD2 or MD3 format. Syntax LOAD OBJECT Filename, Object Number LOAD OBJECT Filename, Object Number, Texture Mode Example LOAD OBJECT “GUN\G6.X",GUN
LOCK OBJECT ON This command will lock the specified 3D object to the screen. A locked object will be positioned as though the camera had never been altered from its default orientation. Syntax LOCK OBJECT ON Object Number Example LOCK OBJECT ON GUN
SCALE OBJECT This command will scale the specified 3D object to stretch or shrink in all three dimensions, using percentage scale values. Syntax SCALE OBJECT Object Number, XSize, YSize, ZSize Example SCALE OBJECT SATAN,600,600,600
SCALE OBJECT This command will place the specified 3D object in 3D space. In order to see your 3D object. Syntax POSITION OBJECT Object Number, X, Y, Z Example POSITION OBJECT SATAN,1400,0,2000
SET OBJECT LIGHT This command will set the light state of the specified object. Syntax SET OBJECT LIGHT Object Number, Flag Example SET OBJECT LIGHT SATAN,2
YROTATE OBJECT This command will rotate the specified 3D object around the Y axis dimension. The object number should be specified using an integer value. Syntax YROTATE OBJECT Object Number, YAngle Example YROTATE OBJECT GUN,270
Result Step-13