What is HACCP? HACCP is a food safety management system to prevent food borne illness. Manager can find out where a Biological, physical or chemical hazard might happen. Then they can prevent, eliminate or reduce it.
HACCP System It is a written plan based upon the following. Operations Menu Customers Equipment Operations. A plan for one organization will not work for another.
7 Principles of HACCP Conduct a Hazard Analysis Determine critical control point. Establish limits. Establish monitoring procedures. Identify corrective actions. Verify that the system works. Establish procedures for record keeping and documentation.
Principles In general the principles break into 3 groups Principles 1&2 helps to identify and evaluate the hazard. Principles 3, 4 and 5 establish to control the hazards. Principles 6 and 7 maintain the HACCP system and verify its effectiveness.
What is Critical control point? It’s the aspect of any process in cooking that could create a problem if improperly handled. Example a chicken dish can be contaminated with bacteria if not handled properly. What procedure is used to monitor this step?
Classwork Review question 2.4