Greater Essex County District School Board Regulation: School Councils Reference NO: R-AD-03 Principal Chris Mills
What is a school council? Through the active participation of parents and the community, the council members’ purpose is to undertake activities to assist parents of students of the school to support their children’s learning at home and at school and to enhance the accountability of the education system to parents.
What is the role of school council? 15 roles outlined in the regulations Advisory role - have the opportunity to provide input on: policies that relate directly to student achievement or to the accountability of the education system to parents – these include: school improvement planning, fundraising, implementation plans for new education initiatives, principal profile Working with the community – consult with parents, input represents all, pursuing solutions, focus on issues not individuals, report to community, promote the best interests of the school, annual report to Board
Who makes up the council? Membership of the school council shall include: -Parents/guardians of students enrolled in school (up to 25) -One community representative -One teacher (other than Principal or Vice-Principal) -One employee (other than Principal, Vice-Principal, or teacher) assigned to the school -One student, if a secondary school, appointed by the student council; one student, if an elementary school, appointed by the Principal after consultation with the school council -Principal -One member of the Home and School Association, appointed by the Ontario Federation of Home and School Associations, if such association is established in the school. Established the first 30 days of school – term is one year
What are the roles and responsibilities of council? School Council Chair – calls and chairs meeting, prepares agenda in consultation with P, communicates with P and community Vice Chair – assists the chair Treasurer – ensures financial records are maintained Secretary – ensures and maintains minutes
What is the role of the Principal? Facilitate and assist council operation Support and promote council’s activities Act as a resources to council – provide information Facilitate consultation Consider recommendations and advise of action taken Communicate with community – encourage participation
Meetings – first within the first 35 days of school – at least 4X per year – quorum – a majority of council present, open to public, written notice provided Committees – may be established to make recommendations to council (i.e fundraising, by-laws, etc.) Voting – recommendations by consensus – not consensus – majority By-laws – make by-laws governing – elections process, rules for conflict resolution and a conflict resolution process Fundraising – may engage in fundraising – used in accordance with board policies Annual Report - Every school council shall submit, on or before July 15, an annual written report on its activities to the P and to the Board – if it engages in fundraising activities, the annual report shall include a report on those activities. Conflict Resolution – make every effort to resolve conflict internally – if not resolved – can advise SO – look to others for assistance
Resources Board Website – Parents – Parent Involvement School Councils: A Guide for Members – Ministry of Education –