Beyond Primary Education: Challenges of and Approaches to Expanding Learning Opportunities in AfricaAssociation for the Development of Education in Africa (ADEA) Biennale 2008 on Post-Primary Education Session 6C: Skills Development in TVET Entrepreneurship Education in Post-Primary Education and Training: Case Study from Botswana Jakes Swartland ADEA 2008 Biennale on Education in Africa Beyond Primary Education: Challenges and Approaches to Expanding Learning Opportunities in Africa
Beyond Primary Education: Challenges of and Approaches to Expanding Learning Opportunities in AfricaAssociation for the Development of Education in Africa (ADEA) Biennale 2008 on Post-Primary Education Problem statement How can govts & stakeholders facilitate & contribute to successful Entrepreneurship Education and training (EE)? Emphasis on preparation of programs and institutions – better outcomes of training? Study focus on organization of process, co- operation with external partners in policy and program development ADEA 2008 Biennale on Education in Africa Beyond Primary Education: Challenges and Approaches to Expanding Learning Opportunities in Africa
Beyond Primary Education: Challenges of and Approaches to Expanding Learning Opportunities in AfricaAssociation for the Development of Education in Africa (ADEA) Biennale 2008 on Post-Primary Education Research methodology Time and budget limitations (familiar?!) Review of documents, interviews with key personnel and beneficiaries, visits to training institutions, industries, parastatals, NGOs Relevant data not available: comprehensive tracer studies, comparative data from institutions in other contexts using different approaches ADEA 2008 Biennale on Education in Africa Beyond Primary Education: Challenges and Approaches to Expanding Learning Opportunities in Africa
Beyond Primary Education: Challenges of and Approaches to Expanding Learning Opportunities in AfricaAssociation for the Development of Education in Africa (ADEA) Biennale 2008 on Post-Primary Education Main findings EE is being offered in PP General and TVET EE is included as a compulsory Core skill/ subject in BTEP at Technical Colleges BTEP: Wide range of programs; 4 levels: Foundation, Certificate, Advanced Certificate and Diploma (2009) Today, only Foundation & Certificate courses High level of female participation (54%) ADEA 2008 Biennale on Education in Africa Beyond Primary Education: Challenges and Approaches to Expanding Learning Opportunities in Africa
Beyond Primary Education: Challenges of and Approaches to Expanding Learning Opportunities in AfricaAssociation for the Development of Education in Africa (ADEA) Biennale 2008 on Post-Primary Education Main findings cont. Tracer study 2007: 50% of responding candidates are employed / in further studies Graduates’ satisfaction is high, but they perceive college tutors as poorly qualified Employers are confused by the program Low rate of self-employment among graduates, higher among women than men Lack of access to capital allegedly a major obstacle to small entrepreneurs ADEA 2008 Biennale on Education in Africa Beyond Primary Education: Challenges and Approaches to Expanding Learning Opportunities in Africa
Beyond Primary Education: Challenges of and Approaches to Expanding Learning Opportunities in AfricaAssociation for the Development of Education in Africa (ADEA) Biennale 2008 on Post-Primary Education Main lessons learned Important to co-operate with stakeholders in development of EE and TVET policy and programs to ensure relevance & quality Realistic practice is crucial to TVET and EE Marketing of new programs to the industry is important: improves graduate employability Courses at different levels should be implemented consecutively with no delays ADEA 2008 Biennale on Education in Africa Beyond Primary Education: Challenges and Approaches to Expanding Learning Opportunities in Africa
Beyond Primary Education: Challenges of and Approaches to Expanding Learning Opportunities in AfricaAssociation for the Development of Education in Africa (ADEA) Biennale 2008 on Post-Primary Education Conclusions: Main messages EE and TVET looks promising in terms of income-generation and poverty reduction TVET programs should always be combined with EE EE should be offered in general education and TVET alike Preparation of institutions, and motivated and qualified tutors are prerequisites for successful TVET and EE ADEA 2008 Biennale on Education in Africa Beyond Primary Education: Challenges and Approaches to Expanding Learning Opportunities in Africa